
I’m as happy about this win as anyone, but it is NOT evidence of any kind of blue wave. front of a largely white crowd of cops.

Off topic, but this seems the place to ask the question.

File: Shit I Never Thought Would Be An Issue

I must be honest with myself and recognize that this show is shit, but I don’t care. It is the year 2018 and I am getting to watch new episodes of the X-Files. Through the entire episode, I found myself smiling, while at the same time shaking my head at how stupid it was.

That’s a good idea. Just yesterday I was going through my phone deleting old text messages and started looking at the thread with my wife. It is a digital timeline of our life over the last five years (or whenever iMessage was released). It was amazing how much of it was there.

The only value I can think of is how valuable a resource they will be for future historians as they look back on this absurd period in history.

The reverse sear works best when you are making steaks for a crowd. I will prepare steaks from rare to medium for people (anything over they can get out), and this method makes it easy to get them done at the same time.

I was raised in Appalachia but occasionally would spend summers in Florida, does that mean I am qualified to write the definitive biography of swamp people?

This was my very first comment on 1/30/08 and it seems appropriate for the anniversary.

I must have jumped forward in time at some point because there is no way that 10 years have passed since I started commenting here.

Exactly. I under their foreign minister today basically say, “Well I guess the US is no longer our ally.” You couldn’t have given the Pakistan intelligence community a better gift.

Good theory, but then why not Wilderness Lodge and the Fort Wilderness cabins. Both use the same ferries as the four resorts in question, with the Contemporary being a stop on the Wilderness Lodge/Fort Wilderness/Contemporary loop.

I miss Gawker.

This is pretty simple.

Does he float?

...but unless you’ve played through the hours of meditative building and warfare that goes into a single game of Civ...

Your right, in a MAD scenario, dying early is the best option. But I could see a much smaller event occurring. While everyone is focusing on North Korea, it is easy to overlook the asinine decision to cut off funding to Pakistan. They are a nuclear power that has been in the midst of an internal struggle between the

While I applaud this particular action, I can’t help but see the slide towards full-blown Corporatocracy speeding up.

Sure it’s a crapshoot. However, if you don’t die in the initial blast but close enough to be in the fallout shadow, then you’d be happy to have that plastic and duct tape. That first 24 hours is the difference between dying horribly, while vomiting blood in a couple of weeks, and living with just increased likelihood