
I tend to agree with you. His last pop hit was in the 90's and that was just him re-writing candle in the wind, (his last hit from the 80's) to cash in on Princess Diana's death. He needs to shut up.

I agree with your husband. Never bought that they were a real couple- and it makes perfect sense that this would happen now right before the release of the last Twilight film. Any scandal sells tickets. Also, I just saw Robert Pattinson at a cafe in London after the story broke. He did not appear to be even remotely

Not to dismiss the accuracy of US Weekly's reporting, but I saw Robert Pattinson sitting in a cafe just outside London maybe a day or two ago. He did not appear devastated.

The lil bub tattoo, via instagram...

I've actually thought about this more than I'd care to admit but I think he could come out of this quite okay, even liked, with people having compassion for him... if and ONLY if, he doesn't try to take Suri away from Katie. If it's true what so many people believe, that this marriage was a plot to bolster his image,

For serious. I've got about 6 weeks to go and I'm losin' it.

I LOVE the UP. Got to go last summer for the first time and I found it to be completely enchanted. We were on Lake Michigamme, (sp?) right outside of Ishpiming. (sp?) I'm trying to figure out how to get back there this summer!!! I hope you have a lovely time and find yourself a great book to enjoy!

Have you read Scruples 2? She uses the same characters in so many of her books I feel the need to read them chronologically.

Last summer I found a copy of Judith Krantz's Dazzled in a cabin in the upper peninsula of Michigan. It was the best time I've had in years. Ever since I have searched high and low for a copy of Scruples. I remember it from EVERY bookshelf of my 70's childhood, and now I can't find it anywhere. I know I could buy it

YAY! Here's hoping I'm not the only one!

I like the new system. I will probably start commenting now that I can easily find rational discussions I actually want to be a part of. I had been under the impression that everyone came here just to argue with each other, but now that those conversations no longer dominate (at first glance) the threads, its like a

More people die from overdoses of legal prescribed drugs than street drugs these days. The statistics are clear- this has been the case for the last few years with the rising popularity of prescription opiates, stimulants and depressants. Add alcohol and you have a deadly mix. Notice there has been no mention of a

The meaning of the word no, and that no means no, is probably one of the most important things a mother can teach her son.

@MaureenTantalus: That's what I thought. Being a recovering addict myself I find it incredibly irresponsible (ESPECIALLY COMING FROM DR DREW) to confuse casual drug use with addiction. They are not the same thing.

I know Angelina has admitted openly to past drug use of all varieties, including heroin, but that doesn't mean she was a junkie. Or is that a known fact that I'm missing somehow? Anyone?

@SwishSwishSpit: The main definition Alcoholics/Narcotics Anon gives for the disease of alcoholism is "continued use regardless of the consequences." It's that very disregard for consequences which separates addicts from people who just like to party. Being powerless over your addiction tends to mean you don't care

@GirlHaggard: WORD. As an addict in recovery I often feel totally grossed out by commenters responses to stories on this site regarding addiction. THANK YOU.

I wouldn't give this Lindsay story much credibility. Betty Ford is a pretty hard core establishment, as would be the affiliated "sober house" she is in. Generally people who are in rehab are moved to a sober house once they are no longer high risk for flight or out of danger of physical detox associated health risks.

@dean.kerry: Most old school downers ended with al or ol.... Seconal, Phenobarbitol, Demerol, Nembutal... hence, Dolls became slang for downers, then probably just pills in general.