
I concur. I'm thinking Warner publicity department...

I'm generally not a nut person either- but I find a few toasted almonds ads a little warmth and cuts through any bitterness. I was totally a no raw kale person until I discovered Lacinato kale. it was a game changer. Good luck!

get Lacinato (I think that's how its spelled) kale. Its softer and sweeter- more like a "soft" green like spinach or chard- and definitely do the marinate thing. I make a slaw out of it with red cabbage and radishes- but you can do whatever crunchy veggies you like- just make a dressing (tart and tangy- lemon,

yes and in the California canyons in particular, random fire starting would be considered the equivalent of attempted mass murder. Arson in fire regions is serious serious business. Had this happened in Ohio or Indiana, the outcome might not have been the same.

Thank you. I completely agree. Those of us who have been through it know what a long difficult road it is- and that just being locked up- or "forced" to get "better" often makes the problems worse.

I was just pointing out that in CA starting fires is considered way more serious, insane and deadly than in other places- my guess is that anyone who did that (in California or Arizona or Colorado- places where fires are a major issue of public health and safety) would get taken in and their mental health would be

It is very much against the law to set fires- especially in places like California where its a 1000$ fine just to throw a cigarette out of your car window- The entire state could go up in flames in a matter of minutes.

but not all soldiers came home in 45- both my parents are boomers-my dad was born in 45 as his father trained military doctors and never saw combat. My mother was conceived when her father was given a weekend off BEFORE reporting for battle. Plenty of people decided to- or accidentally- made babies knowing the father

YES. I actually read Valley of the Dolls when I was in rehab, and remember wishing I could just go sleep it off in Switzerland for 4 months and wake up cured.

It's really too bad they can't just give her the "sleeping cure"

Remember Wifey? Blume's adult book? My mom took it away from me not because of the sex but because it was about a miserable/powerless housewife. God love my mom, she gave me Anais Nins erotica as a replacement. I was the only 12 year old in school with a copy of Little Birds.

I loved her autobiography, Will there ever be a morning, as well as the book Shadowland. (which is somewhat "fictionalized" but still pretty great-

yes please! I was going to ask for your email so we could transfer this conversation to a more private venue. (the jez messaging system seems to be unavailable?) I'm running to school now but am honestly really excited to reply to your letter! More crazy similarities.

Wow! Hi! Thanks for writing back. I grew up in the US- my grandmother escaped, apparently to Sweden, where she got on a refugee boat bound for the US. My grandfather was imprisoned by then, and my grandmother was pregnant with my aunt, who was born in NY. They lived in the US until the war ended, when they returned to

My mom was also born and raised in Holland. And her father was part of the resistance and detained in a concentration camp for just over 3 years. I can only imagine our mothers must be close in age? Did you grow up in the states? I'm just so curious as I've never come across someone that I share this in common with.

Disney. Disney is what happened to Tim Burton.

Maybe the fact that the torture DIDN'T make you uncomfortable is exactly the point? If the torture was being "depicted" as wrong- would you not have experienced it as such?

I've often wondered about this myself. It seems odd to me that someone would check in to a rehab if they did NOT need to detox from drugs or alcohol. Rehab is not a place you go to relax or get away from it all. Of course there are a ton of luxury rehabs in this country where your privacy will be protected, and I'm

good god I forgot about that Rush Limbaugh thing. Gross.

Gosh I had no idea it was that old! I just remembered the 80's version! I should probably google before making such bold statements...