
So you were watching as a Rasual observer?

look i think we all know birth control is WITCHCRAFT, not science

I'd go with Turin Turambar, and there are so many other good ones from the Silmarillion.

I look forward to the Sixers having to play an entire game with a Fatal Windows error projected onto the floor.

Is it a curse or does live performing just expose crappy musicians?

you can't help but feel bad for someone immediately sent back to detroit

"My friends say that I look peaceful"...

The Shanghai Sharks' Big Three of Michael Beasley, Yao Ming, and Delonte West is the best Big Three that ever was.

Stango is my coworker and friend and I'm teasing him.

Pretty disappointed in this game. I played so much of it and after a while realized that it just wasn't nearly good enough to merit any more playtime. From all the original reveals and even the things that the devs would say- to the actual release and the hobbled grinding game it is now I don't think the game is worth

"I'm only 45. My dong is great." - Thomas Jane

"If women don't find you handsome hope they at least find you handy."

One of my favorite Aykroyd skits.

Ya know, now that you really show it in pictures. I guess the Xbox One is a little big.

automatic a winner

none of these games are as terrifying as my addiction to making Uruk heads explode

Excuse me, but the shards of Narsil wouldn't have been reforged into Anduril at this point.

Okay, seriously. What in the actual fuck, folks?

I teach English at the college level; last year, I was privileged to teach ENG 230, which at my institution is a rotating (through the faculty) course that is generously labeled "Special Topics in Literature."

I taught my course, for two semesters, as "Gaming: Literary