They are gyroscopic. To always keep her balance on center. For better fighting and stuff.
They are gyroscopic. To always keep her balance on center. For better fighting and stuff.
Damnit! God didn’t give me my left food! Cheap Bastard!
I was 9 and may have lost my mind.
Nope. I’m weird. I’m an American who supports Brentford.
This show was everything.
Seems to depend on the meal. I kid you not. I could not see out of my passanger window one morning.
The nice retired couple across the street feed a murder of crows everyday. They just love it. As do the crows. The problem? The power lines are on my side of the street.
Stop beating up my wallet! It’s done nothing to you!
I live in Sonoma County. Cars like these are a daily and in multitudes. It’s a rough life.
Thank you. You kept my head from exploding.
That’s a mushroom James.
Not very realistic. The real Ronaldo would have spent much more time at the beauty salon.
You worship Lana. She’ll continue worshiping at the alter of plastic surgery.
Yet I am not trying to troll you.
Sheeple are going to flock.
This from the person with the burner account.