
I am pretty sure this is the lady who made crop tops happen.

Someone somewhere conceived of, drew out, chose the fabric and fixins, then cobbled these outfits together. And then stylists from both camps sought something of that nature out, found these and said, "AHHA! Perfect!" Then they were fitted, styled and worn on stage.

They're like the perfect conscience shoulder angels!

Obama: "How do I feel about this top?"
*poof!* Shoulder Angel Bohner: "It's too young for you. No."
*poof!* Shoulder Angel Biden: "Get it, girl!!!!!"

Always listen to Shoulder Angel Biden.

Bitch, I have a child with Down syndrome, too. She's awesome, and I wish more people would realize that life with this chromosomal disorder isn't a horrible thing. But every time you start spewing your verbal diarrhea about Trig's "right to life" I want to knock your teeth out!

I'm bothered that the primary message here turns into, "I totally could have aborted my disabled child but I totally didn't." Ugh. Gross. Stop acting like choosing to have your baby and not abort him b/c he is disabled was fucking heroic, you fucking dick.

ETA: And maybe if you'd educated your fucking devil spawn about

If you have a Middle Eastern grocery around, GO THERE. Grab the big tub of yogurt that has the most Arabic script or unrecognizable wording on it. Buy it. Yes it is plain. Yes, it is NOT low-fat. But it is delicious and kicks Greek yogurt's pathetic wimpy little ass. Put some fruit in there, or a dollop of your

"Kids Against Divorce" ... and by "Kids" we mean 50-something fundamentalist Christians.

It's super-easy to tell if eggs are still good. Shake em. If they're rattle-y they've gone bad. The more thunk-thunk you can hear of the yolk the older it is. Also, you can put them in a pot of cold water. Bad eggs float.

Here's a vital conversation to have: where should we draw the line at doing asshole things because those asshole things "create a conversation"?

Here it is now where's my money

Holy shit, io9, pay up now!

  • Dodge & Burn, $10,000 for a decent photograph of anything

Oh this is fun! What would other gawker sites waste $10,000 on for things we already know?

I wrote "nonwhite," not "black."

I found an unretouched picture of the dog, please send $100 to me at Gawker.

I managed to sneak in while everyone else was distracted!

This is why you aren't in the company photo Dr. Zoidberg:

"This is about Vogue, and what Vogue decides to do with a specific woman who has very publicly stated that she's fine just the way she is, and the world needs to get on board with that. Just how resistant is Vogue to that idea?"

Or you could take that $10,000, Jezebel, and donate it to a worthwhile charity.