
The seats really are way too small. Flying is one of the few times that I appreciate being a short person. Once time, my flight also had an entire mens hockey team as passengers. I had to sit next to Coach. He could hardly fit in the seat, and took up my whole arm rest because his beefy frame could not reallllyy fit

Ughuhghghh this is my main reason for trying to use more organic body products. I just want to be able to buy cosmetics with some freaking transparency about the ingredients.

It was suuuuuper hard to watch the video and not cry at work.

Woooowwwwwwwwww :|

This is the only acceptable way to decorate a christmas tree.


Going to see Rifftrax live tonight!!! AWWW YISSSSS

I have the same anxiety. When I was in high school, my boyfriend and his parents were killed in a car accident while driving through the snow in a rural area. I didn't know it even happened until a day later, when a mutual friends mother called my house to tell me.

I am hypnotized by how flawless her skin is.

Kang can go fuck off. You know what I hate? The fact the you can be trying to eat right and exercise more, and get shit on the whole fucking time because you still "look unhealthy." Bitch, how the fuck do you think people get from fat to trim? I wish it were as easy as just buying a new wardrobe or getting a different

You do bring up a good point that these kinds of guys should just help themselves. And I don't feel sad for them, just.... I dunno, it's some kind of complicated bad/frustrated/angry feeling. But there is no way I'm going to waste my energy trying to help these jerks.

Yeah, I've definitely thought along those lines too. And I have personally known men like that. And honestly, I just feel bad for these guys. It speaks to how patriarchy is failing these men by not encouraging them to express their feelings in a constructive way, to seek therapy because they are in emotional distress.

No thanks, I will pass on visiting that site. They have made it very clear that I won't be welcome and I'm not interested in the idea of hating women, even if they are american citizens.

Yeah it just all..... doesn't make sense to me. You hate women, but also want to fuck them? And marry them? Why would you do that? Wouldn't you be miserable being married to someone you hate? Why do this to yourself?

Yeesh. I don't really understand the mental gymnastics one must perform to hate women so much and yet also want to have sex with them. Just seems like they are a bunch of big babies who are afraid of change. I guess they just don't see women as people.

Huh. I guess I'm obese then, according to the CDC. Oh well!

Well, i mean, personally, i prefer to let my pubes grow long and then I braid the ends and put little bells on the ends of the braids. I want my vag to sound like a wind chime when my man is going down on me. It also adds some extra pizazz when I wear my bikini, which is all the time every day. I guess you could say

Me too. Everything was very factual and with very little moral agenda. The one lesson that stuck with me was, the only form of protection that is 100% safe is abstinence.

I love Elizabeth Warren and I've enjoyed having her as my senator. I selfishly want to keep Warren for a while longer and not do another special senate election.