
Because I know whenever I want to piss someone off, I slip my brother the tongue.
Although to that point in the movie, I’m not entirely sure there was much of an overt romance between Leia and Han. Sure, we all know now, because we watched the end of the movie. But chronologically, there really wasn’t much of a

Leia sucking face with her then-to-as-unknown brother?

Clearly Poe’s wanted to do the Trench Run with Finn since the first movie. That doesn’t mean Finn reciprocates those feelings. 

That took them a bit to get there, though. Rather famously. 

They replaced Burns. First three appearances, Burns was voiced by Chris “Cobra Commander/Starscream” Latta. 

Yeah, but it’s a cartoon. They never do that. They replaced Scooby Doo. They replaced Fred Flintstone. And they’ll replace YOU too!

It’s so obvious, I’m kind of offended it wasn’t in the original post. 

What happened to Pacino’s Cuban accent?

Many peanuts x 3.

How dare they keep from us the splendor that is the face of Horatio Sanz!

So, like Joe “Blondie” Manco?

But his great grandchildren are just about perfect.

It’s real simple -- Epic doesn’t need this kid. They’ve got others. And he’s potentially costing them money by highlighting the hack. Simple monetary decision for them. Costs them nothing to lose him. 

You need to be able to understand your own logic before you try interpreting anyone else’s.

Give me Hamburger Changeable or give me death!

Your “logic” is out of whack. Back to the Future 2 is a sequel. Everything runs in a chronological perspective from Marty’s point of view. What we’re talking about here is a prequel. This is like watching The Phantom Menace without having seen the original trilogy. Personally, I’m not sure how much I’d care about this

That’s not really true. There are a bunch of things that have a lot more impact if you know what the RDR1 result is. 

And the lesson they’re going to learn from this is Rated R doesn’t make money, Deadpool is now cancelled. 

So we can’t get Brad Pitt. But we CAN get this guy who conned women into buying him free drinks PRETENDING to be Brad Pitt!