
So this one time I went away for two months and left my window open and when i got back I didn't really notice anything for a day or two until I noticed that there was this big paper hornet nest in my bedroom window built between the window and the screen and it was about the size of a basketball and when I moved the

David Lynch just got an erection.

Several years ago I read a book by a guy who had one of these death experiences. (I can't remember his name. ) He claimed to have been told things about what would happen in the future and claimed that what he was told in fact happened. One of the things he claimed to have been told was that we would elect an actor

I nominate this:

  1. Colton Burpo ‏@TheColtonBurpo 1h

Oh yay. I thought I was the only one who disliked Ruby Sparks. I think I got in a lot of trouble for giving it a mean review, because a bunch of people thought it was underrated.

You're only just getting this episode now? We got it two weeks ago. Ha! For once, Canada is getting the good stuff first. Take that, USA!

Great to see Enslaved screen. Ninja Theory is one of the best and most underrated in temrs of game art outside of simply being photorealistic. DMC dropped the ball in this regard a bit but Heavenly Sword and Enslaved were top experiences for me PS3 generation.

FWIW, here's a reading of Emily's record, from xubxerox's column at


Not in my experience. Naturally perfect skin is a real thing.

Am I the only one who immediately thought of The Last of Us?

You're not the only that loved the design of Enslaved. Post apocalyptia is nothing new, but the aesthetic can sometimes be...grey. Enslaved was gorgeous, lush, and robust.

Ugh... Enslaved... i'm so torn! Back on the PS3, I had this game but because reasons, I never actually got around to finishing the last third-ish of the game.

Game of the f*cking generation:

The hardware running this came out at the beginning of Dubya's second term. And the team assembled to make it had done NOTHING before.

Ah Enslaved. Beautiful, fun, and underrated.

I say this as a Deist: The Jesus of Nazareth described in the Christian Bible is easily one-hundred times the man many of his most vociferous "followers" proclaim themselves to be—and would likely be embarrassed (if not enraged) by the antics of those who claim to act in his name.

I will admit that as someone in his mid-30s, I disagree with the taste in movies and music (and probably other stuff) of people younger than me, but how can people who haven't seen the originals think the prequels (spelled correctly here) are better? They'd have to have seen both to make the comparison.