
Primer Black.

You went too? :D

What they've done to this AMC... T_T

You could convert the diesel to to a WVO powered engine and never pay for fuel for it again? On a serious note, there are not too many advantages to a diesel in a non-towing/hauling vehicle. The reasons I can come up with are few and kind of a stretch:

Acquire American 60's Muscular Automobile.

This one should have been up there today >_<

Shoot, did anyone mention that teaching someone you're interested in makes a great date idea?


This needs a series:

Funniest thing I read today so far XD


If only the colors were reversed....

I neeeeeeed that Grabber/Kona blue one. Stat. To the ebays!

There's a bag of Funions in your couch fort. Not just any bag of Funions, the last bag of Funions that anyone will enjoy in the whole universe. Believe it or not, Funions have an expiration date. Some day very soon, Life's little Funion gauge is gonna go... empty.

Any specific part you were in?

Were you at any car races(like Mid-Ohio for ALMS and Indy) the past couple weeks? If not, someone borrowed your tattoo idea.

That's quite a racy error...

I thought the same thing: "There's a lot of shit going down here."

It's the largest village in the United States.... RANDOM FACT

This is one BLOCK from my evening job. Jeez, I'll leave some flowers at the corner of Walnut and Northwest Highway for it :'( I love those 66-73 muscle cars, of all makes and models, and it's a shame to lose one. Good news is, that whole block to it's right are body shops and repair shops!