
This going to terrible, no not the because of the truck, but because of the new breed of douches this vehicle will produce...
Imagine an unholy, satanic-matrimonial-incestous-merger of the pious holier than thou eco douche and the lifted monster tire Tapout-Affliction-trucknutz dudebro douche.

Or on the man-boob.

You could ask him something inconsequential, and mundane as "what is the meaning of life? Why are we here? How can one attain true genuine happiness?"

Volvo, unleash the Amazon!

Tank goodnez i driven a biege slushbox audo tranz 4dor.can ihaz a genius awrd?



This is awesome Patrick! Totally justifies a popped collar and tallboy can of PBR!

I know right! Who do they think they are?!

I've been seeing quite a few of these in San Francisco and for the most part people drive them around responsibly, but every now and then there's that occasional douche that rocks one like it's a racecar. It's only a matter of time before someone wraps one around a tree and bursts into flames... Awesome!

...or violate you, which I'm all game for.

$100k for a Vette!? Pfffttt! I think I'll just settle for a car that's more cost effective and grounded to the ground.

Sorry, but death is the only way out in this game of who's the most bestest, and it will be an awesome bloody death too.

Fairweather, poseur bandwagon Giants fan here, and I must say watching the Cards lose to them in 2012 was refreshing.

Never you mind, thems are aliens. You see, in the future we get conquered by those freaks and they spend their free time defecating and scratching our cars just to rub it in the fact we lost the 12 second war for earth.

Neutral: Would You Buy A New Car Wholly Online?

A Schiano man is angry, insecure, scared, alone, and yearns for the day when he can come out the closet, and be recognized without judgment by the name Shirley, and still be homophobic.

1st gear:

Dual SRS, they save lives.

What? No Colon Krapernick tweets?