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There's a very good documentary about this car from National Geographic's "Mega Factories" program. While watching that episode I was enthralled by the level of detail Aston Martin Put into it.

Hey, if I were to purchase this car I'd rightfully expect these guys to be dick-jerk-cunts-anuses to me as far as customer service and delivery is concerned. A product like this justifies it, heck would even demand disparaging treatment from these guys, unlike Hennessey's slower and inferior cars.

Bird scoop. FIA mandatory.

They should call it the United Super Sportscar Racing! USSR has a nicer ring to it in my opinion.

I must admit, that made me chucke.


Hella sick yo!

I envy you, that whole trip sounded like massive fun. Now, would you go to China and try out their cars/trucks if you were given the opportunity?

Epic review dude. Btw how dusty was that dust?

Rallying in proper British fashion.

I want one...badly!

I want me one thems too!

I wonder if the "plumbing equipment" was "stored" in this fashion...

If that's the case then I'm sure it's safe to say that the car was suicidal anyway.

This Platypus sees nothing wrong with that car.

You have my vote!

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Not to be overlooked, the worthy successor.

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To me this is music! Quite simply the best damn motor Ford ever made, no disrespecting the venerable "cammer", but I sure do love me some side oiler symphony. Sit back close your eyes and and let the music take you away...

While people have the right to make their own choices concerning their body I still can't help but feel bad for these girls, I mean grinding down bone? What will the test of time do to their appearance in the long term? I don't know, but I do feel guilty for thinking that some look better post op'ed because I'm

Make it spartan, give the interior what it really needs...and a iPod dock for good measure.