
Me boosta mucho.

I agree to this assessment, furthermore this assessment is in agreement with me. I have nothing further to ad.

I love the Mustang and I love me some Shelby cars ( 427 Cobra ftw), but how is this not an attempt to cash out more from his legacy?

Ah! I stand corrected! Petrolski it is!

...or just Petrolsky for simplicity's sake.

Oskar PETROLsky... Because Poland!

Wise choice! Now you'll forever be friendless. Forever alone! :-D

I'd drive it like a Boss!

Congrats Mr. Hardigree! I take it that there's a long term review in the works.


I would be happily content with just mopping the floors with Koenigsegg. Why? Because:

I must be REALLY tired because at first glance I could've sworn that I read "The Most Unbelievable Slaves Of 2012".

Obviously. It failed to keep him grounded to the ground...


I know, right? I mean/ what could possibly go wrong?

Go for it broham... but whatever you do, when get to India don't drink the water.

You nailed it. I agree with this and with Hardigee's post/rant too. I really would like to see Lincoln succeed, but their line up simply isn't appealing to me or apparently to even to my generation, albeit to a certain extent. They simply don't have a vehicle at this moment that has a pulse and that challenges the

But those "escorts" ride a little rough...

Well I just learned something today, thanks! :-D

Isuzu... circa before my time.