
That car will definitely strike fear and terror into the hearts of the crooks and baddies when it slugs by...But that wont prevent them from pilfering the stereo! I got first dibs on the passenger tv headrest!

Ha! An exciting modern Volvo race car with a +400 hp MID ENGINE!? April fools! MWA HA HA!

I would definitely sport this if I were stupid and boring. I would also like to add that I would sport this if I also lacked character and had no soul for that matter.

Well this is embarrassing but I wasted money in a... *sigh* ...Turbonator, it was a stupid impulse buy and I knew better. Fortunately I returned it about 15 min later.

Whoa! an R8! I like the wheels.

@Brian: oops, my're right, now here's a heartwarming picture.

I always thought that Ford selling off majority stake at Mazda was a big mistake and this is proof. A lot of the engine tech what Ford is running on now was co-developed with Mazda, not that I doubt Ford's success can be had without them.

@jalopnikfan: here's hoping for a Rotary diesel, woot! (...I know, it ain't gonna happen.)

...I'm assuming that drugs had their influential hand in this.

Water, that's what my Ranger is like. It's tasteless, but sustaining because it gets the job done at the end of the day and takes me anywhere.

That folks is a rolling testimony of a total lack of intelligence and an insult to anyone Jalop who enjoys the finer things in life. Obviously this guy does not care about the opinion of the moral majority and did this to invoke emotions, perhaps anger...This brings me to the conclusion that what we have here is not a

Ah, Alas history repeats itself! This reminds me of the Swedish royal warship the "Vasa"...a ship that sank less than one mile off shore because of being too big, too gaudy, and way too top heavy. []

@FightingChance: well, there's always the hope that Ford will bring the Focus RS over for the next gen model.

@malfunctionbob: good point, this realistically is very Eco friendly. And the Japanese also have a big interest in horse meat too. This could single handedly kill the Prius at the source.

To be fair though, lane splitting carries a unique set of risks too: like cars doing last minute lane changes without signaling in heavy traffic...or cyclist lane splitting at hoontastic speeds. Stay safe and be careful out there folks.

There can only be one!!

I stress the fact that I do not want the kit car...I want the original! And yes, will be a daily driver and it will be hooned irresponsibly.