
@bacon117: that you mention it. I think you're on to something here, but who's in the other car?

I like how it looks and the paint pretty cool too. The panels seem well stuck together from my vantage point, but it still doesn't justify the sacrilegious butchering of a Ford GT. Looks better than the Corvette based SV 9 Competizione, ever seen that thing in person? The gaps in the body panels can fit a bus!'s driven by previously unemployed wingless fairies BMW hired for the show.

@LoganSix: well, I bet she can make some real mean pizza bagel bites!

From the looks of it the way the small wheels in the large wells and overall stance of the looks like a kit car, like Cadillac dropped a shortened CTS body on a Fiero...

I'm loving the stick on side vent tacked to the blue one's rear quarter (pint?) panel. Nice touch, it screams "quality".

@AclockWorkApple: it just me or do the ladies in the MINI display (15, 16) look like they could double as Apple Store employees...and *squints eyes* that an... iPhone on the her belt?

The same Beauty in #1 and #23 is the ONLY reason why I'd check out the Chrysler Delta.

Heyyyy! No twits from that twat Scott Monty? Come guys he's out in the cold, couldn't you at least let him for a little while in to munch on the crumbs that hit the floor? It's 23 degrees outside, he'll die in weather like that!

If the van starts a rockin' don't come a knockin'!

@calzonegolem: To tell you the truth, I'm kinda confused too...

@Elhigh: amazing! I have a '95 ranger that refuses to die with a 3.0 V6 oil burner...and no, it's not a diesel.

@Desu-San-Desu: Think of it this way; the pony car is an American starlet and has garnered quite the cult following. If you start ridiculing another one's pony-car because of your "preference" then it really shouldn't surprise you that there will be rabid pony car jihadist demanding blood.

If GM's gonna build a big 'merican car then it should sure as heck be an irresponsibly chromed out, low slung, BIG engine'd V-8 (or V-16), RWD, plush riding, as long as a city block, and screw-the-tree-huggers gas guzzler.

@Ben Wojdyla: Alright, I stand corrected and that's great and all, but please hear me out; do you think GM will broadcast that the little car is a product of platform prostitution with short run Korean (in the U.S that is) brand to the consumer with pride, and if they did will it work?

@Maxichamp: ...collecting their unemployment checks...

Here's where GM is banking that no will find out that this car is really a guised up Daewoo.

Y'know, I just realized something. This car obviously capitalizes on taking it slowly, very slowly. This may be a fun car for you Mr. Hardigee.