
@SerialThriller: I dunno. I can see the rational thinking behind your assessment, but remember there are cars out today that got good safety ratings without the tall door (mustang included) so don't really find that design necessary, but if that's what ol' General need to do to it's car then I guess I'm ok with that,

@bfghemicuda: Now, that's exciting because I really do want the challenger to be competitive car too. I'm afraid though that if that doesn't happen then Chrysler will eventually have to pull the plug on the challenger. It's sad because I don't see very many examples of this car around where I live, but plenty of

I see, she can drive stick rather well, no?

@SantaRita: It's all in the slouch my good friend, all in the slouch.

The tall door sills are an engineering visual trick to keep the greenhouse small and make the roof look lower than it really is, so it can look much like a choptop street rod. (The Chrysler 300C is a good example of this) While it does look pretty sick the tradeoff that it's really uncomfortable to rest your elbow on

@skaycøg: that available in JC Whitney? I belive I have a coupon from there I've been itchin to use.

That price is crackalakin' crazy. My garage will NEVER have a fwd in it. And if ever do get a fwd car I'll rotate the drivers seat and drive that thing only in reverse while looking out the back window. That way I'll have a proper rwd vehicle.

@Nurburgring: Whoa, careful with those whoppers. Yeah, you may get the ladies with the burgers, but if you wanna lure them in with their stomach then the chances are that they'll be whopper sized too... Unless you're into that kind of value meal then I say go for it.

I really liked the part when Clarkson said he hoped that Toyota didn't get help from Toyota Racing (F1) in the design because they're "rubbish"...despite the fact that Toyota F1 research did help. Anyways, the sound and performance of that car in the wet, being mid-engine/rwd and all, is really impressive... but

wow, I'm surprised that there's no appearance of some talking sushi with big bubbly eyes.

I was always a big fan of the late '60s early '70s GTVs they had a real sporting look to them that would make a 2002 blush, the later Alfas like this current one was no exception. But the junk yard unfortunately claims even the nicest cars eventually. It's crazy when you think about it, but say Fiat does bring Alfa

I vouch for 2 for 1 Packard. Because in reality Buick should of been Euthanized long time ago.

@GREY-KK: Well, despite the fact that a well built B series can handle 4 digit HP figures. Dropping one in any of these would be insane. The sheer weight of that old 'merican iron will crack the poor 4 banger's forged crank in half. Besides, a VTEC sticker on a vintage American? Pass the Crackpipe!

In that case... I'd offer anyone a night out in town with Charlize Theron if they deposit $1000 in my Cayman island account. But wait there's more! For just $50 more I'll include Kiera Knightley as an extra!

@KeyserSoze: to be finished with the punchline "suck on this Detroit! Woot!"

@AmishJohn: daughter- "daddy, um have you seen my woller skates?"

@Bueller: posted like a true Necromonger, you keep what you kill.

Now that's impressive weight distribution! Ben, you sure that photo ain't some kind of advertisement?

Now this I find very disappointing. Those tack on weights were very becoming on the Camaro and was a hallmark of GM's bankrupt-let's-get-the-product-out-make-a-profit-and-worry-about-bad-press-later-strategy.