
ugh...Rot Rod...just rotted my eyes out...again.

@duurtlang; @TR3-A: oops sorry! You're right! I really meant...

Ha! I get it! #19 is a land yacht!

@Uncle Bo: I remember listening some shade tree radio program a while back of some guy lamenting about how his dog got car sick in his vehicle while driving. Poor thing got all queezy and hurled vomit all over the dash, which some of it got in the vents. The guy explained that he tried washing the stuff out as best as

@TR3-A: whoa, wait! CD-DVD players? com'on dude that's so '90s man, it's all about blu-ray now.

@cnekritz: I can't believe I got the jist of that comment. */facepalm*

Y'know if Chystler were to adopt this advertising method in the past they might have been able to avoid bankruptcy...

A brown/tan two tone painted, lifted 1989 4x4 diesel F-350 w/ 35" mud boggers, Roll barred, KC lighting, warn winch, and and shotgun in case she decides to "rebel" and refuse the ride offer.

Yo dawg, dats tyght.

Wow! That GT-R camper

@VirginiaLadon: the guy used a liquid as a catalyst to detonate the charge not a blasting cap. And ended up burning his pee pee maker. No initial shock, no secondary explosion, and no tertiary damage but one smoked wiener.

@BRAWNDO_POWERED: and the best part, just behind that Orange peel there's a lot of juice.

This car is the reason why Honda needs a production V8. I really hope they refine it, produce it, and enter it different race leagues. I'm very curious to see how it would hold up against the seasoned competition.

...I'm not diggin' that transitional gray/white stripe down the center, but I do like the centered mustang emblem on the grille it's a nice throw back.

@zeeboid: Ford Fiesta Boss Parnelli edition? Starts under $17k.

And let us not forget the venerated Packard V-1650. A modified Rolls too. engine

@spuy767: keep in mind that although the Trans Am spec Mustang has a high out put built- for-racing 5.0 it STILL has a live axle. A LIVE AXLE! The cost saving live axle that competes well in places like Laguna Secca(I remember watching that race a few months back, it was pretty good). The results speak for themselves,

@spuy767: Hey, if the mustang ends up being less expensive and performs better than an M3 with a "cost saving" live axle then that adds more insult to the competition and savings to the consumer. Look at it this way, GM has chosen to take the archaic pushrod engine, stuck with it, worked it, refined it, and darn near