Very nice, let's hope Ford kept the weight down too. And the fact that they kept the live axle is good news too, it's already been beating BMW M3s on the track and if it ain't broke don't fix it. The live axle is really becoming a mustang trademark.
Very nice, let's hope Ford kept the weight down too. And the fact that they kept the live axle is good news too, it's already been beating BMW M3s on the track and if it ain't broke don't fix it. The live axle is really becoming a mustang trademark.
I'm guessing that the louvers are for competition purposes and if this car were to come into production the surfaces would be smooth out a bit. I just hope that if this car does come into production that it wouldn't be as offensively expensive like the LFA.
Hmm... why do I imagine a sleazy, thick accented, balding pot bellied, hairy chest exposed with a track suit Eastern European as the original owner of this car.
say bye bye little toe fungus!
Hmm...Saab turbodiesel pick-up? Born from the jets seasoned with spicy curry. This could get interesting.
Obviously the bastard who commited this awful atrocity lacks character, intelligence, and testicles for that matter. You, whoever you are, a Nazi, an insult to life, an inbred product of your parents who happen be brother and sister, and unfortunately a failed abortion.
Insert tagline: " when things are down, look up!"
@becoolbiz520052: I just wanted everyone to know that becool has "no friends". Now everyone point your finger and laugh appropriately.
@Joe-Btfsplk: ahem...*whispers* I think you mean "Camaro".
Mmmm...hotdog on a stick.
@#c17727229: It was only a matter of time before someone was going to say that, ( I snuck in the word "reliably" for that reason) but you're absolutely right. With that said I'd still be more comfortable with forgies anyway, at least with how I'll hoon that beast.
@doug-g: ahem...I think she really said "MORANS"
@#c17720000: I was just itching to use that word somehow somewhere.
@GV_Goat: hold your horses man! We don't know if Ford is using cracked sintered iron con-rods and hypereutectic pistons, both are big no no's for BIG boosting reliably. But one can hope. A forged crank is flippin awesome!
@Arfdog: Yes, but think of it this way; if you're flying in one and it fails you'll only hit the ground once.
Camaro grab your cankles, shut it portly challenger, and **** you whale and dolphin!
Hi, GM? I'll swing by later this week to pick one up. I mean, after all, my tax dollars already purchased it so I am entitled to one, right?
@Rust-MyEnemy: dude! do have any idea how awesome them beans would be in chili?
Quite simply the the most jalop way to get to Valhalla!
I knew it! Y'all see folks this here photor'graphs proves that there are a bunch of them aliens vandalizin' our deserts! It's a conspiracy I say, an' them buggers want our most precious resources of dirt, beer, constitutional rights, and women! I say it's time to fight back! I say send a couple nukes to their…