
I know, I know...It's been unanimously stipulated as an elise/exige knock off and rightfully so! But hey, at least they didn't knock off something hideous like the...Tirrito Ayrton or that AMC pacer.

Hindustan Ambassador.

"Dastardly dumb douche dolt does deal with dimwitted deutsche dorks with dysfunctional digestive dieting do to dining on double dead orphan meat."

So will Best Buy start offering "Electron Flushing" for dirty electrical systems? ...Come to think of it the Ford tech at the dealer said I could use some adjustments on my muffler bearings too.

Congratulations Chrysler on the top honors, you've placed more vehicles on that list than any other car maker.

wise man says...

I'm really sorry to say but the poor guy who had penned this thing up with the dream of a great reception is a total failure. I can see it now..."alright this is it! With this awesome car I'll make it big time!" Heck if you check out this feller's website the poor nutjub makes some pretty grandiose claims like...

I'd say the sebring model you forgot to include

I dream of owning a Triumph Spitfire that will start everyday every time with original vintage Lucas electrical components...Is that asking too much?

@IronicalBalls: (see below) NOTE: cylinders 8 & 9 have been left out purposely because of being considered as "unklucky" and "bad omens" according to the Toyota black arts engineering dept.

The Oil Sheik stares at the battery longfully stroking his well oiled beard, finally he says..

@Earl_of_Gumout: sorry folks we forgot to insert "us" inbtween "p" and "s". Sorry this mstake will nevr happen again.

98hp @ 5200 rpm is awesome! Well done Toyota!

@IronicalBalls: ...The firing order is as follows: 1-3-5-7-2-4-10-6-6-4-3

I wonder what the car would sound like if Toyota got it acoustics "tuned" by Gisbon or Fender.

@pauljones: True, but that unnerving big blown V-8 (or N/A V-10 i.e Viper) that is extremely violent and hard to control capitalizes on that Russian Roulette thrill.

@pauljones: by losing one foreskin at a time...

Just as I suspected, it's a Tooner shop.

Yep, that pretty much seals the deal. That young lady is going to grow up to be a fine trailer queen.

wait...what no VTEC?