
Hmm...I predict about 5-6 years from now this same car will be sitting in the driveway of the owner's parent's housing "for sale", sideswiped, with 3 flat tires( one wheel will be missing, with the axle suspended by a "powerbuilt" jack stand), cracked, warped, pitted and scraped lower skirts, with at least one of the

Whoa! No, NO! You did not just grind up a Chevy Cobalt SS in the mix! Now the burgers will never taste good, the batch is ruined! Now go get some Focus RS cuts, fatty pieces may just add some favor to cover. After all, the flavor is in the fat.

Here you go son! A new Borla stainless complete exhaust system JUST for you! Now be a good boy a help Daddy install it on his 2010 Camaro. Then later I'll take you to the barber to git a mullet cut so you can look like yer own Pa'...Now go git me a beer!

so...they're gonna zip tie the pedals too?...I like it!

@pauljones: Ah yes, the venerable Concorde. The famous transporter of ancient lore. This one apparently wasn't designed with CAD or slide rules, but rather the engineers did so with the assistance and influence of powerful mind altering and enhancing pharmaceuticals. It put's a strange feeling in my pants too...and

@SerialThriller: You see that's the whole problem. YOUR arms are not proportionally longer than your legs. Which brings me to the obvious conclusion: you are not a 6'3" Gorilla. You'd be surprised to know that's is a very important requirement to handle such a beastly car and the engineers at Ford clearly understood

Wha-wait! No mention of the 5.0 or the 3.5 v6!? But! I thought they were coming for sure! Oh man, I can't take the suspense no longer!

Yeah I know, it's not a "high performance" petrol engine. But at 650 ft lbs. of twist the 6.7L Powerstroke is pretty motorvational. I've seen videos of the older Powerstroke equipped F-350's doing mid 11's on the quarter after some serious modding. I think it's just a matter of time before some crazy redneck works up

I really feel the side vents are a grand complement of the whole package, and may very well be the whole selling point of the car... Now, how much meth can be stashed in the glove box exactly?

@KeyserSoze: Toyota: " You guys never listen! You don't know how I feel, and that's because you're never there!*sob-sniff* I'm gonna run away and you'll feel sorry! I HATE you!"

You know he obviously overlooked a very important fact. Obese Americans are major contributors for poor fuel economy too y'know. Yeah, so much for leaving that factoid too.

@MrCrash: But of course. Hey Ben you taking notes on this? #towing

@MrCrash: Brilliant! Yes! And finish it of with steel wool pubes! #towing

Whoa! So lemme get this straight, the "electronic Controller" needs to be replaced? Isn't that just a module with solid state hardware and pressure sensitive piezo sensors that connects to the CAN system? So what happened? did it commit Hari kari after it performs it's function and that's it? I could understand that

I recommend the installation truck nutz to finish of the the package on this manly beast. #towing

I would guess that Ford is little hush hush about the Boss name because of what it represents, y'know high performance, TransAm winning, tire melting, firebreathing, gas burning, Planet Earth destroying Mofo engine. I hope they're not holding back because they don't want to get heat from them tree huggers because

I own a '95 Ranger and I'm very happy with it, particularly the size and the fact that those little trucks can take a serious beating and still come back for more. I would hope the F-100, although built on a f-150 platform. wouldn't be that much larger. But heck if it comes in a small turbodiesel then I'm sold. #fordka