So just want to know. Can this "Open Source" vehicle run on "homebrew" fuel? #localmotors
So just want to know. Can this "Open Source" vehicle run on "homebrew" fuel? #localmotors
The one thing I really can't stand about Ferrari is that as a manufacturer they're so ridiculously arrogant about their products and heritage(I guess for good reason because they actually deliver in that respect). But I must say I do love this car. It's styling is very daring and, with a few exceptions on the details,…
I'm so glad to see this truck get some recognition. It's a sad shame that they didn't keep that model alive, but I do wonder if it were still around today what would it look like? Would they bloat it like Ford did with their Bronco, or keep the shape like Land Rover did with their Defender 90. #internationalharvester
@The5thElephant: I agree. A hipster would be completely apathetic to the whole dump truck thing in general, and more concerned about looking cool while riding a "fixie" and sipping on starbucks. A hippie...well, face it they'd be way too hashed out to do anything of the sort. #detroit
nice, I'll take two please. #fordtaurus
Dude, all you need is an over-the-top gold/chrome paint job, chrome window tint, boomin' sound, some seriously large 26" DUBs, and some popular hip hop artist to sport it and it'll be "hip" in no time. That's how I'll roll...oh, and don't forget to put some spinners on the gold wheelchair! #standardtaxi
pew! pew! take that healthy veggies! #fruitlasers
@petersterncan: uh, the above comment was suppose to a reply to yours. A thousand apologizes. #fairlane
More like a Honda D12 VTEC. Don't forget the 13" hubcap spinners, VTEC stickers, 4' rear spoiler, blinking LED valve caps, and the venerable dual fart can setup with coat hangers to hold 'em. #fairlane
So... how much honey can those tires hold exactly? oh, and 'ring time? anyone? anyone? #militaryvehicles
Yes! I'm sure I can grow a might fine mullet to match my future Rampage.
Why keep the sebring alive beyond 2010? why?! Just take it out back and put it out of it's misery. Keeping that poor thing alive in it's pitiful state is just plain inhumane, those bastards! #chrysler
how very decidedly not cab-forward. Kudos Chryser. Let's keep this one off the rental lots now please, thank you. #chrysler
Oh no...I can see it now... carbon fiber hood props will be the new Tooner accessory of the decade. It'll be up there with stick on vents...hopefully they're replace them fart cans! #lexuslfa
So be it, the Viper was way too good of a car for the likes of Fiat. I think they were afraid, very afraid to have a manly blue collar car sports to compete against their own watered down sissy front drive Alfas. And I bet even Ferrari may have made a big stink over competing against it too. I can only imagine that…
maybe they'll take a page from Aston Martin and finally produce (gasp) nice looking cars.
How rude! that guy is totally gawking at her grill racks! #boothbabes
Here as simple solution for that cover car to look better, make it EVIL. Evil cars always look waaay better than ugly cars. #uglycars
That's one great looking hot rod! I love the color, but the engine even more. Now let's see a rat rod with that same setup and steam punk the ecoboost to follow the theme. That would look ironicly slick, but in a cool steam punk way . #ecoboost