Hedy Lamarr, a stoat

Why are people on Facebook anyway? People had (apparently less difficult) social lives for thousands of years until 2001 (or whenever). And if people have to go the 'can't be human without the support of advanced technology' route, then why not use the common interest sites that already exist? Or email, or anything

"Both apps allow you to mark your parking spot so you can easily find you car when you're done shopping, but they also have features to add notes, find close parking spots, and more."

That isn't so much the point, it's more how people bring up race and cultural reasons if it's a non-white assailant, but look for psychological reasons if ithe guy is white.

Aren't the yellow lights unAmerican?


Lenin had no such qualms.

They have (or had) no vehicle inspections in Malta, and every other car was a deathtrap.

They have (or had) no vehicle inspections in Malta, and every other car was a deathtrap.

Often enough for the cops to tell the Washington Post that's why they do it.

Alvis Rover from 1967. Was supposed to have the Buick-originated 3528cc aluminium V8 that Rover have deployed with aplomb elsewhere, but the consolidation of the the different UK marques into BMC basically killed it off.

You don't normally seem to get that luck, so no, probably. Here's a review from a couple of years ago When they say 9 grand price difference that's pounds, so about 13 or 14 thousand US dollars.

The Škoda Octavia Scout is the 4WD estate vesrion. Audi Allroad but half the price.

I made a comment based on personal experience. It was not intended as a generalisation about all women being bad drivers. I don't think that and would never say it. You are extrapolating an off-the-cuff aside into something far more than it was.

I don't understand all the 'knock-off' hate here. These people have made a spacious electric family car with range and speed more than adequate for the non-enthusiast. I imagine that they can sell this for a very competitive price.

That 6000 year thing is only for the outer reaches of young earth creationists. For most other Christians, it's more a case of 'what a wonderful, infinite and complex universe it is, and isn't it super that god has given us the ability to try and understand it. Let's build an electron microscope/wildly complex

Like the writer, I'm lucky enough to be in the normal, good person category.

Introversion, isn't it? Or is that more of a an actual psychologist's diagnosis than a general descriptive term?

And 'superstitious' has 13 letters.

Yes, you were. The women in my life do occasionally make bad driving (and other) decisions under those circumstances. It's a phenomenon that causes distress at the time, and later a response of rueful/black humour. To use that as part of an admittedly not very funny stab at observational comedy is not sexist or

Memory debasement alert! The Maserati Ghibli is not a fucking 'small sedan'.