The 3 pointed crack on the right headlight looks like it might be a stress thing rather than a ding thing.
The 3 pointed crack on the right headlight looks like it might be a stress thing rather than a ding thing.
This is obviously the police department's replacement for the Crown Victoria.
Cheap holidays in other people's misery, indeed.
When I was a nipper the Uren Savage was quite the thing. Also, the Crayford convertible conversion.
"...the 208 GTI owes its homage to the legendary 205 GTI"
You have neatly described another inconsistency in this scheme.
Isn't this just blithering ineptitude by the police? Isn't 'failing to secure a suspect' something that you get hauled over the coals for? Especially when said prisoner is a drunk or stoned 18 year old girl?
Which us brings us back to CarnivalofBowls' post...
For the older listener, there's always Grey Cortina from the Tom Robinson Band:
In your 'Neutral' question, you mention a car called Boxter.
If the rules are so ambiguous and complex, wouldn't now be a good time to write them afresh?
Is it time for Beerlopnik? Seems at least as relevant as, say, Boatlopnik!
I am just picturing some massive mining chain bucket ferris wheel chain saw thing trundling towards the Florida state line, with a 200db loudspeaker sub-sonically declaiming "What's up, doc?"
The article is quite clear, it isn't just the car, it's the whole social enterprise thing. Arguing the relative merits of a secondhand whatevermobile misses the point.
Isn't that just a massive overbite?
The VW and the Dodge vans already existed, and were happened upon and repurposed. The joy was in the discovery of this resource, as much as anything.
Your first and last post on Gawker? Well done. Now sod off.
We have them in England, so you wouldn't have to speak French.
Yes. The E-Type only looked good from certain angles. The relatively skinny tyres inside those huge front wheel wells could look frankly peculiar.
If the car was used to drive to a beautiful viewpoint where people drank and danced to early Roxy Music b-sides, only to be seized by and inexplicable yet overwhelming worry about what they were doing, then you'd have...