
Lord and Miller’s more “improvisational style” that they’ve employed on their previous films was at odds with Kasdan’s stricter, shoot-the-script, approach. Kennedy agreed with Kasdan.

He did all three DaVinci Code movies. granted they’re not all that good, but they were very popular. He also did a rather well-received movie called Frost/Nixon.

I love all things Star Wars and have absolutely zero interest in this film. I have no idea if I’m alone in this or weird for it. I just don’t feel like there’s a need for it and can only see it making me not like Han Solo.

We want your opinion but we also want you to realize your opinion doesn’t matter. I mean, duh.

“499 is too high” holy shit people, do you know how much pc gamers pay for 4k gaming?! we’ve only just now gotten a gpu on the market that can handle 4k resolutions in all games, max setting and still maintain a stable 60fps! that gpu is the 1080ti and it costs 700 bucks by itself! now you want to tell me that 499 is

She wasn’t “jeering” him, and she wasn’t just telling him to kill himself in a hateful manner (which, don’t get me wrong, is still awful).

I think he’s guilty. That doesn’t mean I’d be able to convict him if I’m on the jury. There are good things and bad things about that fact.

Or, maybe sometimes a lesbian may have sex with a man, or a gay man may have sex with a woman, or a straight man may have sex with another man...

That doesn’t prove that the sex wasn’t consensual. That doesn’t prove anything. I’m not being an apologist here, I think Cosby is guilty and should be convicted, but the fact that Constand is a lesbian, while probative of the fact at issue, is not proof one way or another whether the sex was consensual. Any half

but why didn’t these women come forward earlierrrrrrrr

Oh, you, with your annoying facts that get in the way of this articles desire to bash Moffat. Away with you!

Casting a more diverse Doctor would revitalize the show, encouraging a new audience while challenging current fans.

I want more female lead characters, like anyone else, but I’m not sure why so many seem to be demanding this male character be remade into a female one. Sure, it’s possible in the fiction, but why is it so important? Why not make a new female character and have her establish herself on her own merits? Would that be

Sony lost over $50 million on this Ghostbusters. Their fist wasn’t tight enough on Feig.

We do know there were some reshoots, but it’s unclear how much they actually cost or what changes Sony was demanding Feig make.

I enjoyed the movie, but there was no reason for it to be as expensive as it was.

welcome to clickbaitdotcom aka this shill site

He’s not entirely wrong though - Paul Feig was a bad choice for this movie. His insistence on making this a reboot instead of a continuation, his inability to understand that Ghostbusters was more than just “four funny comedians doing their things” and the hatchet job made by editors is what killed this movie. The

Clicks don’t get themselves.

“One lingering gripe” constitutes “attacking” someone now? It’s not even an unfair gripe. And all he did was reiterate what Reitman already said, to io9, 3 months ago.