
I’m not taking Trump’s side on anything, either, but I can’t be Team Kathy on this. That severed Trump head stunt was just as bad as the horrible images of Obama being lynched and so on. I condemn all of it.

I am far from an outrage junkie, I actually liked Kathy Griffin before this, and I cannot stand Donald Trump, but...yeah. That was bad, and she’s gonna be pretty fucked, and she should be.

Which is a damn shame because the world of car crash fetishism is a subject that sorely missing from our popular cult-

Oh, you mean the other Crash.

I grew up the same way as a white guy in a small West Texas town but I totally identified with the girls in the movie. I loved it. Still do and ill probably buy the Criterion version.

It’s funny, I never thought about the racial dynamics of Ghost World. Honestly I was just like Enid, I was a very sarcastic bitter teenager (but with brown skin and black hair and hijab). My friends and I would mock other students and we’d cuss out other people. (thankfully I grew the fuck up and I’m not like that

I would say that ‘brutishness’ that you describe could also be understood through the lens of Enid being a self-centered, bratty, intellectually under-fuelled teen. Not just the fact that she happens to be white.

Sorry, the white man says you should be offended.

uhhh.... I’m a South Asian Muslim immigrant and Ghost World was my #1 movie in 2001...shit, I watched it a thousand times on dvd and I was obsessed with the graphic novel and the website. I graduated from high school the same year the movie came out and I hated everyone with equal passion like Enid and Becky, and my

You’ve nailed it here. It’s always clear when someone views everything through the lens of race. It can really warp reality into something abhorrent. It’s super sad and I feel pity for anyone who sees the world in this contorted unrealistic way. IMO, a Brazilian character NOT having a soccer/football skin would be a

As someone who is disabled the White House can kiss my ass. That would be about as helpful as their “compassion” when the prices of my meds is out of reach, and the cost of insurance that will cover me becomes unattainable if my wife should ever lose her current job.


It sounds like Joss was hired to write the reshoot scenes before this happened, so they decided he was the natural choice to direct them as well. Makes sense to me.

The part where he stated he felt the need to say why because if he didn’t, the internet would’ve created its own narratives (JUSTICE LEAGUE IS A MESS HE GOT FIRED!!!) is sad. Can the internet stop its irrational hatred of him now?

Oh my hell, best wishes to Snyder’s family. This is absolutely heartbreaking.

Joke or not (and who the hell really knows anymore), it’s an interesting thought experiment. This country is so bitterly—and evenly—divided that public policy bona fides are not only not worth anything, they’re an active detriment in a national campaign. I think our next elected president (assuming we actually have a

Yes that’s what the constitution is, a set of rules it can even be changed. The founding fathers wrote it as a guide to get the USA as a country started and through it’s teething issues, it was never actually meant to be an unbreakable shackle.

Politicians in my mind should be the brightest humanity has to offer in understanding human behaviors s the root causes, science, technology, diplomacy and critical thinking.

And yet if they change the rules I think a lot of people would be happy with Schwarzenegger. I don’t think being an actor should preclude you, especially if you have years and experience under your belt, and unlike Trump a lot of actors are self starting from nothing. Certainly not all actors should, but I’ve not seen

Look, I know most of us believe just about anybody would be better than Trump (well, except Paul Ryan, for obvious reasons)

As a male Jezzie, I can attest that strip clubs are incredibly depressing. Even as a barely woke guy in 1991 I can attest to this.