
I can guarantee that nothing you will ever do in your life is so important that it can’t wait 90 minutes. If you are in the midst of a crisis you can stay the fuck home.

Sorry, but it’s hard to focus on the big screen in front of you when there is a small, brighter, glowing screen much closer. Unless it’s an emergency, it can wait. And if it is an emergency, well then leave the theater.

my interest has already plummeted. She was great. That story was great. But it should probably be left where it ended there. Not everything needs a movie or TV show. Sometimes digging more into a story will just ruin it, and I feel like that’s what would happen here.

In 1980 the fact that Vader is Luke’s father was huge. I wasn’t alive at the time but I bet no one was expecting it. Now, everyone’s been expecting all the main characters to be related to other main characters. Kylo Ren is Han and Leia’s son, but people are still expecting Rey to be Luke’s daughter or somehow related

It’s not selling.

I did say ‘overall’. But also, I stand by what I said - I have no problem reading a non-white, non-male story (and I’m sure you don’t either), but if you asked me for an ‘average’ character, I’d show you a white man out of habit.

Comics are at a crossroads right now, and decisions have to be made about how the industry needs to change in order to sustain itself and cultivate new readers

It supports the agenda-driven coverage of this once decent site.

What’s the limit on this? I mean, how many money-losing books should Marvel publish each month just to burnish its reputation?

A lot of people are just done with being inundated with “diversity”. I have no issue with having a black, gay, or female character in a comic book, but when you’re constantly being reminded that you’re reading about black, gay or woman character, it gets old. Just do your thing and let it play out instead of turning

Lol, what?

On the other hand, though, cancelling the only mainstream comic book featuring an all-black team of heroes just weeks after Marvel’s VP of sales blamed the company’s drop in profit on books featuring women and characters of color is the definition of a bad look.

Thanks. I, too, support net neutrality, but the whining hypocrisy of posts like this (“IT’S ONLY FUNNY WHEN I AGREE WITH IT!”) is what’s destroying this country. It’s how we ended up with Trump, for one.

I hate this crap. If he had been on the same side of the political fence as you his comedy would have been hilarious. Look, I hate the idea that net neutrality is being destroyed but quit reaching with stories like this. Some quotable information in support of net neutrality would be good. The political bullshit just

Net neutrality cultists are becoming as obnoxious and insane as the global warming cultists.

Yes, bae is not an acronym; however, it’s still the dumbest word to enter the English vernacular in the last fifty years.

I would take Civil War off and replace it with Star Trek: Beyond.

I thought Arrival was pretty lackluster. It’s a good movie but beyond the language learning there was very little that I found interesting.

Civil War - it’s Marvel so people will love it. But it was by the numbers and a mess in so many areas. A crap villain and no one dies in this war. I certainly wasn’t bored but it

Watch the BvS extended cut dvd- it is much better. I like it better than Captain America at this point. But the one that was in theaters was a incoherent mess but with good actors. Suicide Squad had actors and a director who sabotaged the film they were in.