
I mean, this is what he’s saying basically.

This is the best and most important thing you’ve written on here in quite some time. Thank you for it. I hope the people in charge of news media organizations are listening, though I suspect they are not.

This is the first time since HamNo came to Deadspin that I haven’t regretted clicking on an article of his.

Florida has nearly 20 million people, of which almost 13 million are registered voters. 4,55 million Republicans, 4,88 million Democrats.

Basically, living in a major city gives you access to the culture of those that directly control the country. It could even be said that the shifts in what is considered offensive language is a way to make sure that there’s a pretext to dismiss those from areas that find out what’s newly  offensive (let’s say AA

But it also needs economic diversity, a diversity of background and class, and this has been a resolute blind spot.

This is the best analysis I’ve read of what makes millions of Americans despise organizations like the NYT. They read pieces like that one about the Midwest that you linked and rightfully resent the shit out of it.

It’s more than just an elitist media—there’s a well-embraced classism amongst educated people who live in big cities. The interesting thing, to me, is that most of those big city intelligentsia actually come from more humble upbringings, small towns, and have experienced a lot of racism and ignorance first hand, close

I’ll second this comment. The intellectual honesty of your news room becomes a half measure when you don’t specifically look for a variety of world views. Gawker is a good example: they’ve employed the talents of many different people from many different backgrounds and areas of the country, yet they’ve almost

She spent all her time and effort in Philadelphia, maybe she should have spent some time in Erie. Pennsylvania is a big state!

#2 is spot on, and not getting nearly the coverage here it deserves. Trump won the three Rust Belt states by a total of about 100,000 votes, because he actually spoke to them. Three states that Hillary pretty much ignored because they have been blue the last 30 years. The one thing that Trump made a modicum of

And a significant percentage of them (uncles and managers) voted how they did because of things that are not about culture. Things like Trump saying that he will be ending the below market import of steel for instance. That sort of thing has not been mentioned in a sentence without name-calling in the media that I

Queens IS one of the most diverse places on Earth, but isn’t that part of the problem? The majority of Trump voters don’t live in places with dope Ethiopian and Georgian restaurants right next to each other; they live in places where Applebee’s is the hot spot

No one told pollsters or newspeople they were voting Trump because to do so was to be deemed a racist.
The culture had decided this was the case.

Maybe your country just doesn’t understand journalism. Your news outlets have political views! Have you guys ever watched the BBC? News is for NEWS! Facts! Not opinions.. Cut the panels crap, just read the stories. Fox started your descent, and you guys just accepted it and started copying it in every form of

I fail to see why term limits for congressmen are any better or worse than term limits for POTUS. I mean the only reason to have either is to prevent repeated election. By the same token I don’t see how some form of limit would be any more detrimental for congress than it is for POTUS.

Anyone who witnessed 2000 and 2004 will tell you that policy wonks never win elections. Answering a debate question with “I have a plan for that” is not a good strategy. When are Clinton supporters ever going to acknowledge her flaws? Her lack of transparency, trustworthiness and charisma. Her complete adherence to

She’s in her late 60s. Democrats historically don’t give failed Presidential nominees a second bite at the apple. The Clinton political machine is dead.

This is the worst kind of argumentation. You see those Johnson voters? The ones that quadrupled Stein’s turnout in those states? They weren’t leaning Clinton. If anything, they siphoned off traditionally Republican-leaning voters. They weren’t disaffected Bernie Bros.