
And this where liberals fucked it up. Bush made mistakes undoubtedly, he fucked up. But he wasn’t the Nazi that he was characterized as. He isn’t mentally retarded like people wanted to paint him. He didn’t become the “I’m keeping the Presidency” authoritarian they said he would. And he was *their* president, even

I call shenanigans. The site loads just fine. The same media that tried to convince everyone this was going to be a Hillary landslide and victory parade is now trying to convince people that everyone wants to move to Canada.

Glenn Beck trying to be the voice of reason?!?!!!!!

I hope he makes something that sticks out and gets into peoples heads. Marvel is seriously lacking on the iconic music in their movies.

Let’s note the very different takes from Jezebel on two very similar events here. Amy Schumer mocks Trump at a show and gets positive coverage; Dave Chapelle mocks Hillary at a show and gets negative coverage.

You can’t say that here. Leaks about Hillary Clinton cheating during debates and colluding with the DNC are tainted...Trump leaks are sacrosanct.

So Donald Trump’s son in law’s newspaper got Jezebel to hate Dave Chappelle over Hillary Clinton jokes taken out of context from a show they weren’t there for?

Let me get this straight. The disgusting aspect of the leaked tape isn’t its contents, but the fact that it was leaked in the first place?

Yea... but some consenting couples do do this as a way to flirt. He is still gross and sucks but I agree with the op, that this isn’t bad on its own.

This seems like a real reach to me. Boyfriends and girlfriends too will pat each other on the ass playfully. He actually looked embarrassed that it was caught on camera, not double-checking to make sure they got it on film.

I trust Ben Affleck more than a bunch of chatty Hollywood producers when it comes to scripts.

It aired 14 October. Surprisingly, no one from Jez reported on it.

At least Robby Soave managed to get the story straight, which is more than Anne managed to do.

This gets me every time. The smug, condescending tone is just too rich. Life’s funny like that sometimes

I found this really interesting take on the matter when it ws unfolding, so to speak. Here, let me share it with you:

I do not mean to aim this at Anna (or just at Anna) because I honestly think she very gracefully apologized over it and has been doing great work on the story since then, but I don’t know if Jezebel in terms of the writers or commenters are the best people to tsk over the failure to rigorously fact check Jackie’s

yea he sure was a dick for trying to figure out wether this most serious of all charges was a lie or not. His first 10 posts were civil and professional until Anna full blown attacked the guy, with self righteous indignation and her fancy degree from Columbia, then of coarse he made a wise choice.,..and left this joke

And if Jezebel were a credible website/publication, as opposed to the agitprop rag it is, you could take your self-celebrated masters degree in journalism—from Columbia, duly noted—and flush it, Anna Merlan. But the only journalism Jezebel cares about is strident, profane, unthinking devotion to the cause, so its all

And now you look like an idiot. Waiting on the second professional journalistic correction stating the story was a hoax. The liberal blitzkrieg utilized by this site is staggering as is the ill informed stories.