
The Dark Knight Rises: Yes, it's probably the weakest of the trilogy, but some of the fan backlash I've seen against this movie makes it appear that it attained sentience, went round to their house and pissed on the rug. I kinda feel like I'm a black sheep for actually liking it.

V For Vendetta (movie)

I'm actually pleased they don't show up - it hints that they are confident enough that this movie can stand on its own without having to focus entirely on the nostalgia. And it hints that they old cast have supporting roles and won't overshadow the important players.

Hell. I remember when the teaser for Phantom Menace hit. I loved that.

I think though, that this isn't exactly storytelling anymore, so much as story creating. As he said he wants you to be the director. You can't have true storytelling where you can't control the outcome of the story. That isn't a narrative, that's play, which coincidentally enough, is exactly what video games are

Without reading the article, I think it actually makes a little bit of sense. To make a successful casual game, you have to find this extreme balance between simplicity and depth—it needs to be easy enough to learn that ANYONE can pick it up, yet the surrounding gameplay needs to be addictive enough that a single,

Everything that is wrong about the show was here in full force.

That's not a counter-balance. That's the same sexist paradigm applied to different characters. Two sides of the same coin. Heck, it's the same side of the same coin!

Amen. The bumbling husband trope was popularized with archie bunker as a subversion of the wise beyond their years patriarchs of american tv at the time. He was never intended to be a model for tv as a whole. Bob's burgers in fact makes Bob the most level headed and sensible memebr fo the family and it is hilarious.

Seconded. The "All Men Are Either Jerks Or Incredibly Stupid" trope needs to die in a fire.

I was personally hoping it was Romana...

He's really Khan.

Thor booms "Seek out Tony Stark for thy remuneration!" and flies off.

Allow me to ponder it while being incinerated.

There's a flaw in that logic... but I can't think what it is.

So you're saturating the environment with oxygen... to fireproof the world?

Why do people who watch this show keep thinking it's anti-soldier? It undeniably was under Russel Davies, but whenever Capaldi's Doctor's been anti-soldier, and he frequently has, I agree, the writing has specifically made us disagree with him *every single time*. His dislike of soldiers is always depicted as

Before I go into negatives, are these fairies the same ones seen in Torchwood?

Thoughts on this week's Dr Who:

That might be the best delivered line in the history of cinema.