
Eh. I tend to push friends to watch Season 2, Episode 1 :"When She was Bad." You have Buffy recovering from her fight with the Master a year ago (which is the most important plot point you need from Season One - Buffy died at the hands of the Master but was revived by Xander), introduction of all of the Scoobies

You're right, though. The DofP Quicksilver scenes will be hard to beat.

For some reason I am not crazy about how this looks after DofP, but its a short snippet and they are probably still working on post-production clean up.

I mark the beginning of the end as when they pulled their locations out of BC. Show never looked the same afterward. Lost a lot of atmosphere. And yeah, I don't even want to talk about Mulder & Scully finally getting together because all the great tension collapsed right then and there.



I'm very wary of prequels but for some reason it didn't really even register that First Class was a prequel until today's article, and I loved First Class. I guess since it was the first XMen movie I actually watched

But I'm hard-pressed to think of a season of Doctor Who that's been so clearly built around a character arc as season eight

Oh man. For me, and the X-Files, it was S1's "Eve". I wasn't paying much attention to the show, but my best friend was watching it. One day on a long car ride, she recapped the entire episode "Eve" off the top of her head, and she made it sound so compelling, I just had to tune in.

That is my favorite line of dialogue ever!

Now playing

Wonder Woman? Deadpool? Punisher? Wolverine? AMATEURS.

I especially liked his sarcastic "no, I just saved you and let them all suffocate"

Just when I thought I'd finally get through one of your comments without seeing a complaint, that last paragraph.

When I first saw Clara and the Doctor together again, I was like "what the hell?" Then I considered that maybe the episode was shown in the wrong order, or the Doctor found an alternate Clara or something. Then they started talking about the "last hurrah," and I was like "Ohhh." And it had been weeks since they'd seen

No, just that Doctor. The rest are having loads of fun.

Chief O'Brien. The writers put him through so much, but Hard Time would have thrown pretty much anyone over the edge.

Funny you mention this... I was recently talking to my husband about that one part in "New Kid On The Block," when Homer gets super drunk and is babbling a story at Bart, and all the while Bart just has this thoroughly irritated look on his face. I don't think a TV sitcom father had ever, ever been portrayed in that

To anyone who thinks Doctor Who is just a kids show I recommend watching the Caves of Androzani, one of the greatest episodes of Doctor Who ever as well as one of the more darker stories of Doctor Who.