
For my money, Gary Oldman is Dracula. Still, I think in terms of image Christian Bale would do a pretty fair job of the younguish Dracula.

That was the worst episode I've seen for a very long-time.

One of the biggest complaints I’ve heard about the Doctor is that it always seems like he’s solving everyone’s problems, always interfering to the point of being a god. Now it’s like you (and others, including Clara!) are unhappy because he didn’t interfere enough. The thing about the Doctor is he does what he needs

Almost every part in the Thing, but any scene with the head in it freaked me out. Also didn't help that I was 12 when I saw it.

Wrath of Khan was pre-1984, right? So no PG-13 then.

I think Girl in the Fireplace is actually the best one for a newcomer to watch in order to get a sense of the show. Not saying it's the best, but it's the best one to use as a HOOK.

The End of Time is one of the worst regeneration episodes I've ever seen on Doctor Who and yet everyone seems to love it. RTD destroys any sort of dignity the Master ever had once again, the episode spends the last five minutes stroking RTD's ego by showing every character he created and even giving Rose A THIRD

And not to beat a dead horse, but this is also the reason why Prometheus failed so utterly. We, the audience, were absolutely willing to suspend disbelief for Aliens, black goo, Giant blue skinned demi-gods, hyper-intelligent AI androids, but throw in some moronic, cowardly, drunken scientists who had apparently never

Even the Burton movies are super-campy. They just look dark.

"Green Lantern's box office failure shows that the market is over saturated with white male superheroes, so we're going to hold off for the time being." — No one ever.

"So one female-led action movie flops and it's because of "the saturation of the marketplace"—and not because Aeon Flux was a crummy movie?"

"If you were alive, you'd be dead in six months." Just beautiful how the Doctor approaches the Merry Men as an experiment to study and such, Capaldi sells it so well.

I mean... You are assuming that didn't test other actors. The casting that was leaked said they had no nationality set (so they didn't just search for caucasian actors), and Nable was the one they liked the most. While I get the point... I feel what is the other side of the coin? Ra's isn't really very ethnic looking

Yes, because constantly saving people - including saving the whole of humanity - means that he didn't care about anyone.

"Now, a much better question would be to ask why WB/DC completely ignores its heroes' most quintessential elements like origins, relationships and villains, as well as its best-loved stories, in order to do weird shit like making Batman older than Superman and Lex Luthor younger."

Actually, I want to know why the hate for a younger Lex.

Remember that classic Doctor Who sometimes went four or five years between Dalek stories.

"Bolt hole! Now a hole for a bolt!"

Depends on the writer. The Spidey comics I read - Tobey was a much better and more believable Peter Parker then Garfield. I can't really speak for Garfield's Spider-man simply because the latest films are sooo poorly written that the few things that hit the right mark with the character are surrounded by everything

I realize it's geek-chic to hate everything Snyder has done, is doing, and will ever do. But I think he did a decent job with Watchmen.