
1. He doesn’t run it.

The silence barely showed up after their first story.

They won in, of course, “Victory of the Daleks.” I do agree they are way overused though.

Can you explain the correlation? I always see it used, but Viagra has nothing to do with contraception. A more accurate correlation would be post-menopausal sex aids.

They could have easily had just a Tarkin cameo at the end where he takes over for Krennic via hologram. “I’m on my way.” I was actually amazed how little he mattered to the plot since they forced him in there.

It was anything but essential to the story. Could have easily had a brief hologram conversation at the end where Tarkington takes control following Krennic’s failure and left it at that.

I’m not sure why you’re cynical about them scanning the negs. Most studios are slowly doing that for all their prime catalog movies. Sony is doing it for everything they have. It makes sense Disney would want to preserve Star Wars and scan the negs at 4k and make (possible) final digital intermediates for decades of

If you want them as you saw them originally then surely the VHS or DVD copies would suffice?

Dude filmooks glorious restored in 4k. Much better than digital. Those boxes can be removed but even if not your gamma, brightness and color temp might be off if you see the boxes super clearly. They’re all but invisible on a calibrated television.

It’s confirmed he won’t be shown as a rep in this so one assumes he won’t be duplicated.

Movies should stand alone and hopefully will.

I hath spoken against the hive-mind! Rebellions are based on hope!

Man of Steel and BvS Extended were already good. Suicide Squad was fun-bad.

The anti-intellectual vibe of Sarah Palin winning a national election is truly shocking and sad. Never thought that could happen.

I’d actually say the opposite. The vast majority of Americans aren’t racist, but they are perhaps ignorant to how much racism is still out there. Shining a light in it is good. Spreading true information is always good.

I honestly thought the Civil War fight looked too fake and was too silly, plus it had no real stakes. I disliked it. I’m not a comics guy though so whatevs. I’m sure it was neat for people who love that stuff.

They even flash back to his dad dying and saying it, but people still don’t get it.

DC Comics’ what? I need to know!

I know the specific lens this site is reading that plot through, but imagine yourself facing a life completely alone for 70 years or whatever. I don’t care what gender you are or what your morals are, waking someone up is something you’re going to have a hard time resisting.

I’m against all executive orders. Legislatures make laws, not executives. I also hate when courts make new law, even if I agree with the result (like gay marriage).