
Just because we want something doesn’t mean we should get it any cost. Executive orders are bad, governor’s shouldn’t make new law themselves. Court did right here.

Seriously. I actually like the BvS Extended Cut quite a bit (the horror!) but Suicide Squad was a total clusterfuck.

We need to stop with identity politics and taking offense as an art form. Not really because it’s wrong or right, that’s besides the point. It’s because no one cares. No one but Jezebel or HuffPo writers and commentors anyway.

This this this. How so many internet writers don’t realize this is beyond me. Suicide Squad was huge among my friends and coworkers, a poorly reviewed movie they loves akin to Transformers.

Not every liberal puts abortion anywhere near the top of their concern list.

Yeah, it’s been like this for like 50 years.

I didn’t say I agreed with her. Though I do think Obama had an obvious globalist perspective which perhaps hurts the working class people in certain areas.

My mother loved him at first and even named her dog “Obammy.” Then over the course of 8 years she became the hater you perfectly mimic. Why? Loss of middle-class jobs to other countries.

I was carded every time at my local theater until I was like 25. I’m sure it depends on how hardcore the management is about it at each location. I remember for ‘Wild Things’ we were carded twice, once at the ticket window and again at the door to the specific theater room.

MASH could easily be pg-13 but it strikes me as the kind of movie where studios don’t care what it’s rated. Stuff focused on adults tends to be R for barely anything because studios don’t care enough to cut it.

For us 80s kids those things are all part of the normal movie going experience! Most movies feel so censored now-a-days.

Recess appointments are not permanent, the Senate would just kick the guy out after January 20th. It would be a lot of effort and foster ill will for nothing.

A) I’m pro-choice, I am talking about understanding the issue not promoting pro-life views. Jezzies always assume anyone who doesn’t tow the talking points line is a crazy pro-lifer but no.

Of course there are. I remember one girl in college telling me how women should be subservient because they’re weak. Crazy people exist. However... half of women? Nope. Hell, half of men? Nope.

So almost half of women are anti-woman? It really comes down to when you think life begins, not gender politics.

Good points. I am neither a woman or a casual sex person, so it’s all kind of baffling to me. You explained it pretty well though, so thanks!

I’m just saying both sides have communication issues. Very few people are 100% one side or the other, too, and these issues turn off moderates. I don’t think I have a broader point other than let’s work on it and listen to everyone.

Our weirdly puritan concepts of sex and bodies is embarrassing as a nation.

The concept of being okay with a man’s penis inside you but not okay with him seeing your nipples is pretty weird to me, I must say.

I don’t think I said southern, just more rural and working class. Those people are in all 50 states. LA is a city, which always tend to be left-leaning for various sociological reasons. The point is more that country folk and whatnot tend to be as looked down on by liberals as any group is by conservatives.