
As someone whose family is racist and was raised racist I can tell you thing than snapped me out of it was going to college and meeting awesome people of color. We rarely talked about race or politics, it was just interacting with them that changed me.

I voted for him twice, but Obama does come across as an arrogant “thinks he knows better” kind of dude to a lot of people. I don’t really agree with them mind you, but that’s been an issue the left has struggled with since Carter. Bill Clinton managed to avoid it, bit most progressive politicians sound elitist and

I agree they’re insane and horrible, but the government shouldn’t legislate fucking clothing. The government shouldn’t tell women what to wear. That’s even more insane.

There’s a strong neo-segregation bent to a lot of Liberal writing lately. Freaking me out.

Yeah I might have argued for manslaughter in the jury room, depending on the exact wording of the law, but innocence? No way.

Yeah, you can’t convict on gut feelings but she sounds super believable just based on her tone and assuredness in that one paragraph. Hopefully this turns out okay for her.

I mostly played RPGs when I was a gamer but this is one of the rare shooters I loved. It was mind-blowing when it came out on PC. You’re making me want to play it again. Would be my first time loading a game this year.

They’re a large general store, of course they sell Trump products. What a weird complaint.

No sorry about your way off assumptions and tone eh? Whatever, be as angry and radical and blind as you like.

I’m not against abortion and said nothing to make you think I was. You need to chill on the anger toward people with such little provocation. I just said it’s hard for me to see it as a women’s issue when women are just as split on it as men. It’s an issue about where you think life begins.

That’s not really true though, since roughly half of women, or at least almost half depending on the survey, are “pro-life.” As much as the Left tries to make it a women’s issue it’s usually a religious issue centering in when people believe life begins.

Like I just posted above, she’s done multiple fully shaved full frontal shots. I don’t think she’s upset about the shots, I think she just hates this photographer.

She also did a shoot for Treats! a while back that showed every possible inch of her fully shaved body. I doubt this about her being seen and more likely a conflict with the photographer.

Not all Dems focus on abortion. Also more centrist candidates tend to be better at national politics for obvious reasons. Veering toward the center with an economic focus wouldn’t be a bad idea right now.

He was never really liberal. If you watch old clips of Dennis Miller Live he made plenty of conservative points. He was likely an independent, which is good and human IMO. He then took a hard right after 9/11.

Dems really only lost the rust belt, for obvious reasons which Hillary was terrible at addressing.

Funny how the internet puts us in bubbles and keeps us from realizing most people are into other things.

You’re allowed to have a gun but you still need to drop it when officers tell you to.

I don’t mind chalking it up to coincidence, assuming she’s even from the Asian region in the show.

As paalek said, the federation is huge. Also it’s canon they typically assign species their own ships, which is why 90% of casts are human. Which is kind of weird segregation when you think about it, but it is what it is.