
Your rush to judge others and dislike of half the country because you disagree with them is really sad.

It is a bad slogan. Also bad is the tendency to assume guilt of every accused on sites like this more often than not. To be fair they’re tricky issues, but really it’s all about patience, listening and understanding on both sides.

Innocent until proven guilty, not guilty until proven innocent.

Tons of things Clinton has said and done are not okay too. At the end of the day people vote on how it will effect them, that’s why most conservatives and liberals are holding their noses and voting for their candidate. My parents want to curb globalism, nominate conservative judges and end abortion. None of that

You literally think those are the same thing? They’re not.

She was literally debating someone though, so it had a weirdly non-comedic tone to it, like an attack. I agree Trump is horrible and I agree she should be able to make fun of him, but like SNL it should have been more frivolous and thrown in a few Hillary jokes too.

My entire family other than me love Trump. You cannot judge people in extremes, and I know none of them are racist, just strongly anti-globalist, which is not the same thing. We have to accept and discuss differences and try to EDUCATE, not judge.

I’m still allowed to enjoy the “Major League” movie though, right?

Yeah, while I am thrilled there’s more minority representation in media nowadays I do hate how so many people feel justified in yelling at artists about how to make their art. Push for it in general, don’t push for it in specific pieces of art in my opinion.

While you are right that the origins of using that word as a derogatory is based in homophobia, you’re wrong in the sense that if someone says a movie was gay because they didn’t like it they are not thinking in their head about actual gay people or consciously bashing them. It’s a reflex word for a certain

One of my wife’s best friends is a gay man who uses the terms gay and fag in derogatory ways because he grew up in a time where everyone did that. It’s just ingrained in eighties kids. Obviously we restrict it now, especially in public, as best we can, but it’s just part of how we grew up.

Guns are part of our frontier culture, in red states it is literally a family tradition passed down from one to another. They are also seen as a safety against government tyranny protected by the Constitution. The idea that any tragedy could result in US banning weapons is ridiculous. Never going to happen.

A lot of it is rooted in a frontier culture that England and most of Europe didn’t really have. Also it’s not really the root of our violence. There are lots of countries with loose gun laws that don’t have our level of violence. It’s really about multiculturalism, lack of mental illness care, high stress capitalism

It’s always a battle between freedom and security. I don’t think we should villainize people that want to indulge in their 2nd Amendment rights. It’s the radicals that refused any kind of compromise legislation on background checks, assault weapons and other such things that piss me off.

Yeah and that’s the truth. I am very much for an assault weapons ban but you can’t blame manufacturers for making and selling legal product. Talk to Congress.

I call myself a moderate Conservative but I haven’t voted for a Republican since 2000, and even that one was a mistake. I wish we had a reasonable Conservative option, but we do not. Hope it happens.

Yeah, there is sexism in the directing field for SURE but a lot of these movies are terrible and poorly directed. Freddy 6 didn’t show half the directing talent of 4. More women need their shot though for sure.

UK edition is super cheap but region-locked. It’s the one I got.

Yeah agreed. If I was on that tape you might hear me awkwardly half-laughing or saying “yeah” or something, but he’s obviously enthusiastic the more I listen to it, and there’s further evidence. It’s sad.

Just know he giggles gleefully when Trump talks of assaulting women and his “Donald has scored” comment is said very enthusiastically. He sounds genuine and excited by the discussion.