
Yeah, at first I was thinking he was just going along with Trump’s horrible comments to be nice to a piece of shit he had to do television with. After listening to the video a few more times and reading this though... nope, he’s horrible.

My mother, a Trump supporter, told me the same thing that sign says basically. Told me men aren’t “real men” anymore and that’s why they’re upset about his words, which were “normal male behavior.” I was like thanks mom, for saying I am not a real man.

Writers are just too used to using robots as an easy message system for minorities and women in real life. It’s super lazy and doesn’t even make sense really, but they keep doing it.

A lot of modern Liberal ideas are rooted in globalism and destroying borders over time, so it’s no surprise they equivocate on illegal immigration. Also it’s an easy PR attack strategy. I am no Trump supporter but I do hate that liberals now-a-days associate being against illegal immigration with racism.

He definitely goes for an English fairytale aesthetic, which I imagine is what he is trying to say but is searching for the PC way to put it (and failing). I don’t think it’s wrong really, but you have to present it better, and we’re in extremely sensitive times.

I chuckle when commercials obviously have one person of each race like they’re checking boxes. Also Doctor Who had a way too high average of interracial couples for a while there, which felt like a hammer to the head. Those are the only times I’ve ever thought diversity was overdone.

Thats a very black and white view that presupposes your own perfection, if you ask me. I’m not trying to bash you, more just saying my point this whole thread is you have to be accepting of differing views in life and not assume the worst of half the population. I don’t like this Leftist McCarthyism thing we’ve got

I’m saying my parents would never say they’re bigoted, they would say what you see as bigotry is not. Is is subjective to some degree, there are certainly things Gawker writers have insisted are racist that I totally disagree on (like that recent Disney costume).

But with something like low testosterone they guess it might be the cause then test for it. There’s no blood test for bipolar or depression. That was my point. I’m not dismissing psychology at all, just saying it rightly is looked at as a different thing.

She’s showing a tiny bit of belly! Girls do this in public all the time! I saw more belly than that on 14 year olds in middle school back in the 90s. We’re in this weird McCarthy era of shaming women’s bodies in a whole new way now.

Physical problems can be tested for after the doctor deciphers your symptoms though. With mental illness doctors will tell you straight to your face it’s all their best guess and untestable.

Yeah I know of that insanity, my wife was raised Catholic. I don’t think it factors into the pro-life campaign though. A wasted ovulation isn’t cobsidered... you know what, this insane shit isn’t even worth it haha. I just couldn’t help correcting the analogy ‘cause I’m anal like that.

I mean, I’m pro-choice so not sure we need to argue, but I don’t think they believe life begins at ovulation either, and men are of course impacted by strict abortion laws. Still, I obviously know what you meant. :)

It is witty but doesn’t make much sense. Not even the craziest religious nut thinks life begins at ejaculation.

Witty sign but I don’t think anyone ever argued life begins at ejaculation.

Hes polling around 45%, Clinton barely higher. If he only gets 30% on election day feel free to say “I told you so” but he’ll get much more than that.

I dislike Trump a LOT but those are exaggerations of what he said, which infuriate and motivate his supporters, which doesn’t help defeat him.

So you don’t respect half the country? This divisiveness doesn’t help. Accept, discuss, persuade, but don’t hate.

It’s a shame you think those are mutually exclusive. They’re not, as 10%ish of the country shows.

Johnson’s stances aren’t as radical as the Libertarian website’s. He’s for public schools and a social safety net, just a smaller one than Hillary Clinton. He’s very socially liberal (in the political sense). I’m voting for him because the OTHER candidates are “whack jobs.”