
If you think anyone voting Republican or Libertarian this Fall is “awful” then you pretty much hate 55% or so of the country, which ain’t healthy.

It’s a new McCarthy style blacklist, only in reverse. History only repeats itself.

The article only has one example of their ads and I don’t find it offensive. If he financially supports something nasty like you’d see on Reddit red pill or whatever then I would understand trying to end his career or destroy his work.

Good lord man, that anger and self-righteousness.

Just because you have a privileged life doesn’t mean the public can’t ostracize you, or at least attempt to shame and ostracize you.

Whether he wins or loses he’s going to get roughly half the vote, which is what I said. There’s no chance she’s going to win by 10 points or anything like that.

No one is saying it’s illegal to a assail or boycott him. I think we just all wish that people had more tolerance for other views and didn’t feel the need to ostracize anyone they disagree with. I mean, my parents and sister are Trump supporters. Half the country are. Am I supposed to be angry at all of them?

China is the obvious irony, but also investment from the Middle East, which is common.

He has a right to support whatever candidate he wants, free speech. I don’t agree with him but I would fight to the death for his right to say and think what he wants.

Literally half the country is going to vote for him for president, roughly. Acting like anyone who supports him is a horrible person to be fired and shunned is the kind of divisive attitude that is making America such a stressful and divided country right now.

In my experience they always want privacy right up until the point they want adoration or validation.

Love this post. Thank you. It really seems like the left is taking a turn against the melting pot and toward some kind of weird neo-segregation. It’s bumming me out.

All last night they just stood there and stared why people destroy property and acted crazy. It’s not like they were out there bashing heads.

Seriously. We’re going back to women being told to cover up I guess. Everything is cyclical, one decade feminism means showing skin and the next decade it means covering up. Back and forth for the rest of time.

Yes, indeed. They seem focused on lightening things up because of rabid internet posts that want all comic movies to be schlocky, but really it’s script and direction issues holding the movies down on Rotten Tomatoes. I’m terrified JLA is going to be even more fluffy and quippy than Avengers.

It says right up there I wrote that to alliterator. Maybe it’s a glitch and you got notified, how would I know, but look at the post.

I would take Cotillard over Jolie any day. These things are subjective.

But I didn’t say that to you. You’re baffling me here.

I think they just mean that every frame was tweaked by CGI in some fashion. People are just taking it wrong.

Uh I didn’t say that to you.