
It’s horrible either way, really. I remember reading accounts of force-feeding in college and it’s horrid, but so is dying from starvation because guards can’t change the world for you. I’d probably default to keeping her alive, honestly.

I’m not that commenter bit I would assume the concern would be group showering and sleeping and such in a woman’s prison. It’s not transphobic to acknowledge some female prisoners might have issues there, and that their privacy is also important.

Yeah, the average investor is looking for the “next big thing” at all times. Making solid money by dominating the normal console market? That’s nice and all, but we’re looking the the next Steam or iPhone. It’s all about the return on investment.

Yes, he just needs to accept he can’t write scripts alone, which he refuses to accept.

Seriously, “alas” my ass.

There are still many people who don’t really want anything to do with television. At least not on a permanent basis. It’s not even about quality, they’re just very different mediums in a lot of ways. I barely ever watch television, my wife barely ever watches movies. They are very different.

Maybe if he cares about the sanctity of life he would kill Joker to save the hundreds of people he will inevitably kill next time he escapes.

They tease his return at the end of that movie, it’s not like they were trying to keep it secret.

I’m not a fanboy of anything and never even read comics, but I did like the darker tone of these movies and like Snyder’s work as a whole. I don’t really care how popular that statement is on here. I like a lot of Marvel movies too, I like that they’re all different. I am sad that this means less differences.

Well all those have fans. The simple fact is you can’t please everyone all of the time. No matter what tone they use there are going to be loud people on the internet who want a different tone.

Tone is wrong for who? Loud people on the internet?

Cinematic language, the fact the films are engineered to root for the final survivor at the end, and that only the fact they kill “bad” people allows us to stomach the horror before that. Also, if I may be so bold, common sense. Anyone with a hint of sense or empathy watching these movies knows the villain is the bad

Okay it’s not MY opinion. I am talking business realities. I own every release. The point is no, they don’t really sell that well. Hell, Star Trek TNG didn’t even sell well enough on Blu-ray to get DS9 and VOY remastered, and we’re taking a muuuuch more niche show and era here. People tend to overestimate how many

While horror movies often deal in fantasies of killing annoying people or whatever they still clearly state that villains are bad and have you root for the “final girl” to escape at the end. I have zero doubt the guy in this movie is meant to be scary and evil.

It’s supposed to be sickening though. That’s the point.

I think you overestimate how many classic Who fans there are watching the show today, then how many are into the black and white era is smaller than that, then how many would like animation is smaller than that, then how many would pay money for a DVD or download... etc. etc.

ENT seasons 3 and 4 are better than most of VOY for me. Those first two seasons are the worst of Trek though for sure.

6 year gap is actually the law in Florida, so that would be legal here. 20 and 14 is definitely weird but I’m not sure it should be a sex crime that brands you for life.

18 and 14 is a little off but not that weird to me. I knew quite a few seniors dating freshmen and no one was really disturbed by it. That was in a different era though. My wife and I started dating when I was 27 and she was 19 and that felt slightly weird at the time but 10 years later we don’t even think about it.

I always thought my annoyance with programs like that was an age thing, but I guess not.