
I actually loved that the movie depicted couples in a realistic way, where they have conversations while one is in the tub and whatnot. Different strokes I guess.

Her investigation stuff is a lot better in the directors cut. Also the speeches about Lois are more about that being how Clark can learn to focus himseld and deal with the anxieties of heroism.

No one (sane) has a problem with female leads. Alien, Force Awakens, etc. It’s a shame there aren’t waaaay more genre movies with female leads.

What succeeds makes a difference in what studios do. For that reason it is perfectly reasonable to root against things you dislike (lame remakes for example) and root for things you like (new original films for example).

Thays why the grand jury exists, you gave to make a case there is cause for a trial before those things happen, unless you’re caught in the act by a cop. It’s not a full trial buy it’s something.

You do realize of course that your level of fandom makes you completely unqualified to defend the movie. You were going to enjoy it on some level no matter what. It’s the general audience they need to capture, and that audience couldn’t have cared less.

Children? Good god man, stop implying half of men are pedos because they like bare vagina. It just looks feminine and sexy to us, has nothing to do with age.

It’s really an age thing. As someone who was a teen when the shaving thing started I love it and am used to it. Now bush is starting to come back and it makes me sad. My dad though? He tells me bush is great and important. It just comes down to what you’re used to.

Bush is coming back pretty strong in porn lately actually. Also bush was everywhere in porn in the 90s. Porn went bare when women went bare in the 2000s. It follows trends same as everything else.

Heroes kill bad guys in every action movie! The Marvel heroes kill in their movies! For a non comic guy this whole argument is baffling.

Ha, I’m a sociology teacher so not really. Thanks for snark pretending to be a thoughtful reply though, it’s like Gawker still exists!

According to recent market research very few actually buy digital movies and shows, so you’re more weird for getting the iTunes copy than the blu. Also we're all relatively weird for buying media at all.

Very few are buying or even renting streaming movies and shows actually, if you look at market research. They’re just not buying discs anymore either, especially for TV shows and older movies. I leave it to the individual to decide if this is more the fault of Netflix or torrents, or equal parts of both.

Not really, in fact it’s an incredibly complex issue that spans the rainbow from baser instincts to fear of cultural representations of urban youth to outright racism. Also throw in low pay and poor education requirements in most districts. However at the end of the day I don’t think it is anything like what you’re

Not really, it’s more just some idiots with itchy trigger fingers in certain situations, but you can of course believe what you like.

You're right, they haven’t made an outright flop yet. That’s pretty impressive really, and speaks to Disney’s quality control over all. I actually prefer the X-Men movies overall but they definitely made a couple of flops.

I’m the exact same age he is and I certainly knew when I was 19 that passed out drunk women weren’t consenting to sex. This interview is disgusting.

Standard conservative thought is that the more money and jobs there are the less criminality there is. I do think there is Merit to that, but obviously it's not the entire problem.

Pretty much. I support his right to sit of course, but I also support the right of moms and dads everywhere to not buy his promo items too. Also he should donate some cash or time to the cause of preventing racist cops from shooting people rather than blame the country as a whole.

Marcel is my favorite Marvel character.