
Everything’s political lately.

It lost them a bunch of money, it’s not getting a direct sequel.

Honestly Marcel have made at least a couple disappointing movies already, like Thor 2 and Iron Man 2, so I don’t get the quote. Not that I expect Strange to be bad or anything. Though I am starting to get bored of the Marvel formula.

I would assume a post-24 week abortion is still illegal in Texas, just not infanticide.

I mean, the whole idea of burkas and similar shit in other religions is pretty gross to me. Islam has some pretty big female freedom problems. He’s not wrong there.

Whatever you think about the issue the judge is right that Title IX is not ambiguous and the administration overreached, which they have done before. It’s about the law here really, and Obama’s white house needs to stop forcing policy through executive order and similar tactics like this.

Hahaha, she asks for it and I complain about hand pain so I doubt it. People not being honest in the bedroom is a common issue though!

My wife loves the rapid finger thing, I’m pretty sure women are just different. ;)

End to think people are either movie or TV focused. I think most serialized shows today are super drawn out and boring. There’s a ton of great movies coming out, just not many are blockbusters.

I loved BvS, so it depends on taste a lot of the time. Great movies make nothing all the time. I really think this Summer was just too packed and dollars got spread out.

I saw ads for it constantly, I’m sure it depends on what channels you watch.

This is me too. Too many movies, I’m drowning in them. A Blu-ray is cheaper than going to the movies and my home theater is great. I just wait to see what is still interesting months later and pick up the disc. Also I tend to prefer older movies anyway.

I have some friends who say some dumb ass things but I still love them because part of friendship is accepting flaws. Hell, my parents are raging Trumpets and I of course love them. In the real world people don’t ostracize everyone they know for an asshole Facebook rant.

Wish I could star you 100 times. This is how it always ends up going, people fall so in love with their tribe they ignore their actual principles and defend at all costs.

Love the kid gloves you’re wearing here. Which you certainly wouldn’t be wearing if he were White or Conservative. She was too drunk to consent and he even invited his buddies. He’s a rapist just as much as all the others you report on. His movie doesn’t change that.

She’s really into the cliche social media experience that the news talks about all the time. I would guess sharing the experience online and getting the likes in return is worth more to her than having full immersion in the concert. I don’t think she would ever say that though. She’s very defensive about being phone

I mean, I tell her it’s distracting to me and probably to others. I tell her she’s missing out on the immersive experience. She just shrugs and blows me off. I’m not going to constantly start fights with her over it so I don’t know what else I can do. At least she keeps her phone off during movies, which is the only

It was discussed before. Star Trek shows leave off the “star trek” when abbreviating. “TNG” and “DS9" and the rest. So this is “DIS” or something to that effect.

If you ask her why you get a simple answer about having video of the experience. She puts them on Snapchat and Facebook. Dozens of people “like” them. If you point out the experienced is lessened by being in your phone the whole time she just insists it doesn’t distract her at all, which I doubt.

My wife holds up her phone for like half the concert. I can’t stop her. It’s embarrassing.