
Fair enough sir. I thought you were one of my “communism works!” students. Should have known it was a jest.

Weird comment. Communism really is terrible, and you don’t need to be communist to have a public option healthcare plan.

I love the idea of a movie review by someone who tunes out the “boring parts” of an action film with food and internet. Hope he never tries a Terrence Malick film!

Its not ambiguous, they are humans brought there from ancient Egypt. He likely missed that information while eating his hamburger and surfing the net during the “boring parts."

Uh, Ghostbusters needs to at least double it’s current worldwide gross to make a profit and it won’t do that. It is indeed a failure, but sites like this aren’t reporting it because of agendas. I’m not even someone with skin in that game, I’m just sayin’.

Beatings or not, some fucking discipline would be nice. Not just “here’s your tablet and we’ll get ice cream later, please behave!"

I would guess he’s just annoyed by the question being constantly asked but didn’t know how to phrase that. Unlike a white dude being constantly asked about diversity he can actually say it’s annoying. It’s funny to me he drew attention to diversity with the very name of the show but still doesn’t want to talk about it

You make a valid point but remember that humans have trouble with change. As nineties teens my friends and I used the word “fag” constantly in jokes and such; It was a word no one even thought twice about saying. Now that has changed and I have changed along with it, but it was a slow process that took time. These

I definitely don’t think context and intent excuse everything, but I do think we dismiss them too quickly a lot of the time.

I agree with 99% of that. I just kind of focus on the person more, what their intent was and what their thought process is. I don’t think Clint Eastwood is a racist, but the times have changed around him to make institutionalized thoughts of his come out of that way anyway.

I struggle with this because to be fair in the seventies and such there was a lot of language we would call racist today that was actually, really not considered racist at the time. As in the intent behind it was not racist. Obviously there were actual racists saying horrible things that we ignored, or even way more

These are exciting releases because Lionsgate have held a ton of their 80s stuff from being released on blu the last 10 years. Great to see then doing Scream Factory style editions of these fun flicks!

While I certainly think that episode was meant to bring about questions and discussion, I don’t think it’s fair to say he committed genocide or whatever. The scientific question of Natural Evolution and dominant species is very interesting, I hate that people boil it down to a simple genocide argument to make it sound

It’s a general rule for blockbusters, not The King’s Speech. Also general rule means just that, a guideline. Suicide Squad had a budget of $180 million but an insider told the Hollywood Reporter today that it needs $800 million to profit, so yes it can vary based on hidden costs.

Three times the budget being the profit level is actually the commonly accepted standard. Other than though I agree it aint no bomb and this is a weird place to have the discussion. Though left-leaning sites like this that pushed the movie hard are being pretty quiet about its performance.

Unless it doubles it’s current worldwide gross I doubt it, but like I said they do really want it. We shall seeeeeee.

As Deadpool said in his movie, is it sexist to punch a female villain or more sexist not to? The endless debates of what is feminism...

Yeah I’m not saying they’re going bankrupt or anything, just that they’re in desperate search of big franchises. Don’t think this will be one though.

They spent a LOT more than ten million in advertising. Also there’s theater take, larger worldwide take, back end deals and other things. The general guideline for making a profit is three times your budget in worldwide gross. Ghostbusters won’t get anywhere near that. I’m not pushing an agenda, just trying to lay out

You forget that modern liberalism is about hating everyone who disagrees with you or follows laws you disagree with. Also believe every single accusation regardless of proof.