
She’s in the movies, could carry a movie and Johanson is a movie star. I don’t see any reason for a downgrade.

Nice ageism there.

Her intro in Avengers is still probably her best scene and is pure Whedon.

Oh they understand it fine, but sexism controversies get way more clicks.

Gritty cold war spy films sound great to anyone over 30. Unfortunately Disney care more about people under 30, so even if Whedon directs I’m sure it would be another over the top CGI fest.

Fair counterpoint sir.

Unless her power comes from muscles, which I doubt, I don’t see why it matters.

Whiners who can’t handle different interpretations have successfully made them just copy Marvel and say fuck it! Yay?

Of course not, but the idea some liberals have that you’re not “really” pro-choice unless you’re for completely unrestricted abortion on demand at any time is ridiculous. Even the majority of Democrats wouldn’t say that. We have to stop with these extremes.

The vast majority of the country believes in some restrictions on abortion. Being pro-choice doesn’t have to mean supporting abortion on demand up until your due date.

Every other male character had heterosexual plotline in the original show, which I think also pushed them towards Sulu. He only flirted with Uhura once, and in another dimension. Of course you could say the alternate timeline changed Bones or Scotty to gay/bi, but that would probably earn you different complaints.

Resident Evil and it’s second sequel are probably still my favorite game adaptations, and they’re not even that great really.

Most movie only viewers actively don’t want that to happen though. You don’t want your vastly larger movie audience feeling like they’re missing something because of a relatively low watched TV show. I know it would turn me way off the MCU as a casual fan if they tried insisting I pay attention to the TV stuff that I

Fair enough, I respect your personal experience. As a layman though I have to say it hits me in my “13 year olds shouldn’t be deciding anything permanent” zone. I’m sure most parents struggle with knowing when to accept it.

They really go all out for kids like that? Seems way to you to me for a permanent change like that. We don’t even know who we are until our late teens at the earliest.

Not technically white actually, but do look white. That’s besides the point though. I’m a big believer in the melting pot and diversity. I’m a sociologist and probably the most liberal person I know. I think it’s all about living as one and erasing the generalizations and divisions. I know from where I live and work

Well I never heard anything until now about this man. Should have been better reported.

Dude I live and work in central Philly. All humans have a tendency to “other” and segregate. We have to fight that as a whole, come together as a people, not mock white men over and over.

The problem is division and cultural segregation to some extent, which “lol white men” doesn’t help.

I don’t think it’s odd that a single accusation is treated with skepticism (innocent until proven guilty) but a bevy of accusations or proof make the truth obvious.