
I doubt the general public even know Rebels exists, let alone care about it more than a new flick. I’m not mocking your taste at all but the cartoons never worked for me and Rogue One looks amazing.

I never read comics so I just assumed most Marvel villains were super lame. Then once I mentioned that people told me they’re actually just really poorly handled in most of the films. Shame.

Isn’t that all vage rumor though? Legitimately asking.

I’ve always thought the earliest born baby to survive is a good guideline for abortion laws, and that was 21 weeks. The 20 week law therefore made a lot of sense to me, as evil as I’m sure that’s seen around here.

Never read the comic but I’m a little tired of 95% of interracial relationships being a Black man and White woman. I’d love it if they reversed it.

It’s nice having GOT as their only good show since I can skip paying for HBO and just get the Blu-rays. I’m sure they’re on a passionate hunt for more must-see stuff.

Banshee isn’t really io9's bag, but for this 80's action fan it’s pretty great. Wish it used less CGI and more practical effects though.

You forgot “lots of nudity."

Oddly Doctor Who and Star Trek both has those too!

It’s legal language, there is a standard for hate-crime to be the right designation. I get that it sounds weird verbally but it’s a legal proceeding using legal language and the judge is right there.

Oh it’s definitely a newsworthy drop, but Rob portrays it as a crisis and reason to quickly fire Snyder and adjust course. It ain’t that. They might hand him some notes based off reviews or Twitter surveys, but not much else, especially this close to filming.

The “dark tone” isn’t the problem AT ALL. Look at the box office returns for the Dark Knight movies. The problem is Snyder is a shitty director, full stop.

Considering the success of the previous Batman films I don’t think killing people is the movie’s problem really. No one cares about that but loyal comics fans, who are a small part of the audience (no offense intended at all).

I liked Ultron a lot more than the original. I’m a movie only guy though and people tell me my opinion is warped from not reading comics, which makes me eye-roll but whatever.

Note that BvS is going to beat most of those movies’ total gross. It’s not like Warner made a bomb here, which is how Bricken and others act because they hate the movie, Snyder or the darker tone.

99% of io9 commentors maybe, but Man of Steel has good user aggregate numbers across the board. It’s not nearly as hated as certain hive-minds would have you believe.

The movies are such a bigger thing and way more people see them than any of the shows. If they’re smart they’ll keep them separate.

I don’t think we should romanticize suicide or death at a super young age. Not do I think we should push the idea that living in this country (or the vast majority of the rest) is so bad rational people would want to eject. These ideas are irresponsible when mental illness is so misunderstood, ignored and mishandled.

I’m so bored of all these superhero movies. Maybe its because I never read comics and was just watching them as a movie guy, I dunno. I’ll still see X-Men ‘cause I love that series for some reason but I think it’s time for a long break from the rest.

Love this comment but of course it won’t get much support here! People who incite anger and hate on both sides are bummers.