
A close friend suggested a few later season episodes without much continuity that I could try, to see if the show got better enough I’d like it. Something about a force planet I think? I’ll watch them someday. I’m not a big animation guy though, and more a Trek nerd than a Star Wars guy.

This show bringing him back is one of the things that makes me not watch it (along with the kiddy tone in the episodes I tried).

Couldn’t disagree more but that’s being humans for you ;)

Guardians is not gonna hold up as well over time compared to others in the top 20 IMO. After a few viewinging it’s plummeted on my list.

I really don’t think they meant the Jamie/Cersei scene to be rape. That was just a director screw-up, depicting it poorly for our current societal mindset.

Only female nudity and female abuse is bad, because “punching down” or something. It’s certainly not an archaic idea that women need to be protected from letting themselves be exploited, no sir!

Well they never really show labia either, the rare full-frontals are 99% merkins. Same for other HBO shows. Genitals bad!

Great, informative post man. Thanks! As you hint in the final paragraph I’m not sure it change my mind about the movies, but it was a good read!

I’m listening fine, we just disagree. An adaptation is just that, and should both fit the new medium and reflect the new creative team involved. I don’t think loyalty to the comics is a reason to do something on spec. I was never a comic reader but did read a ton of novels and never expected that kind of loyalty for

Haven’t watched Daredevil yet, no. Thought sure Nolan’s Batman killed a bit, but maybe it’s debatable. Anyway I wasn’t attacking comics, more just saying that as a movie guy I don’t get why it’s important other than just “because the comics,” which I don’t really think is a good reason on its own, personally.

Is there some reason for this besides “the comics” though? As a movie only guy I think these no kill expectations are silly, and none of the other comic adaptations follow that rule.

Thanks for the great post. My gut reaction to this controversy is “characters die all the time and you’re trying to make gay characters immortal.” I’m trying to challenge that gut reaction and learn the other perspective though, and your post is well written and helpful.

For my wife and I it’s important the whole family share a name. We agreed on that right off the bat. We wanted to be “the Smiths” and wanted that unity.

It’s pretty gross, but welcome to Gawker.

I’d really like to find a blog that posts sci-fi/fantasy movie and TV news that doesn’t completely shit all over anything dark and serious. Do you have any suggestions? It’s getting SO tiresome around here. Rob is the worst but everyone else does the same shit.

People who aren’t hardcore Democrats tend to hate Hillary too though. That would be an insane general election between two people a lot of the country hates. I wouldn’t bet money either way.

Even I, someone against quotas and affirmative action, think that quote is dumb. You can make an effort to increase diversity in your group in general, if you see it doesn’t reflect society well. It doesn’t require a quota or firm rule that limits White participation, it just requires a more thoughtful casting or

Good explanation. Still not sure I agree with Apple, but the debate makes more sense. Thanks!

Indy was always about the popcorn entertainment of the era and in the 50s that was aliens. I’ll never understand why people want Christianity and Nazis in every Indy movie. I love that Doom and Skull expanded it.

I never read comics, so I just watch these as movies. At first I thought “Captain America” sounded like the dumbest thing ever, but I loved this movie and it totally sold me. I am still shocked when I see people act like this was a poor film. I would put it way above other Marvel stuff like the Thor films, Iron Man