
I’m someone who really connects sex and emotions, so when I was single I looked for someone like me. I didn’t know if “number of partners” was a good test of that, but it seemed to me at the time that someone as opposed to casual sex as I was would have a number on the lower side. So basically I cared, but only as a

Privacy has always ended at a probable cause warrant before with your house, your car, your papers, etc. Why is a phone different? Genuine question.

Iphones s are mostly made overseas so I think any phone operational in the US would fall under said law. It’s not like people could import a phone to get around the law, right? I don’t get the argument.

If we banned the authorities from doing anything that could possibly be abused by bad people then they literally would never do anything. No traffic stops, no search warrants, no guns, no cars, no stakeouts, no nothing.

You keep putting words in my mouth and assuming things to label me as something and dismiss me. You have never addressed what I am actually saying or even realized I haven’t even given a personal opinion on abortion. You’re the epitome of “hive-mind commenter sees enemies in anyone who challenges them.” Good day.

You sound like a Libertarian with the anti-government involvement at any level talk. I also think it’s amusing that right after your “you don’t have a uterus” attack, implying anyone concerned about the politics of completely unrestricted abortion is ignorant and not woman enough or what-have-you, you link me to an

Such a weak go-to argument when you consider the polling numbers for women on late-term abortions.

Good. It happening or not isn’t really the point. Also it’s currently illegal except to save the mother anyway.

I’ve already replied to this kind of point. We don’t make laws based around “no rational human would do this.” You’re letting your passion obscure the fact we have to restrict abuses which a small percentage of humans would commit. I would want many abortion laws removed, but no restrictions AT ALL is a fringe

I’m not sure personally discussing what laws I would create is beneficial. I can say I would likely loosen current laws, definitely not make then stronger, from what I know of them.

Not extreme at all!

No, I do not trust the judgment of every single woman and doctor on this planet. No, I do not think “trust their judgment” is a solution to every possible regulation on anything. I think your passion for rights (understandable) is obfuscating common sense here. Again, we’re talking ANY regulation, even against insane

“A rational person would never do X” isn’t really a reason to abolish any regulation or law on a subject though. Again, I am talking about ANY restriction, such as against insane abuses by insane people.

Haha thanks, I need to. I love coming here to challenge myself and read varying opinions but shouldn’t always stick my nose in.

Sure. Again my point is about not having ANY restrictions on abortion whatsoever. That is what I am saying is extreme. I get that many women hear “restriction” and their backs go up, but we’re talking ANY restriction at all here, even against the most insane abuses.

Are you asking me personally? My point here is about what’s extreme and bad in a general. Either way, answer is life-saving procedures always okay.

I’m a total brick wall on having NO restrictions on abortion whatsoever being an extreme position and bad in a general election. You’re absolutely right. I feel no shame about that, sorry.

I am talking about a stance against ANY restrictions on abortion at all. I’m not talking about the 20 week ban. Just disagree with me and move on pls.

None of that matters to what I’m saying. I am of course for life-saving procedures. The comment was about NO restrictions AT ALL on abortion, ever. That would be an extreme position.

Well polls wise and general election wise it is an extreme position. I’m not trying to upset anyone by saying that, it just is. You disagree and I am sure many on this site do, but I still hope he doesn’t talk about it in a general.