
Lovely way to speak about someone for not wanting to take a job. They don’t even need him anyway since the face is fully covered.

Yeah, I kind of see it as a test of conviction. If you really think it’s murder then this makes sense. If it’s more touting the Republican party line and political then you want to “say the right thing” and obviously be for it in special cases.

I didn’t cry but man did I feel happy.

While I disagree with Rubio entirely, if you think it’s murder then I could see not wanting any baby murdered, no matter the father. Again, not my position, but if you see it from the “baby murder” perspective then it makes a sick kind of sense.

He appeals to a lot of blue collar democrats. He appeals to me on the surface, though I am sure if I dove more deeply into his record it would turn me off. I’d choose Hillary over him either way so the point is kind of moot anyway.

Is he anti-women for reasons other than abortion? Genuine question,’cause I don’t know.

If you think abortion is murder, which they do, then funding a company that “murders kids” is heinous whether that money directly funds the murder or not.

Not 100% sure what you mean but we can agree to disagree, no problem. I just understand that if you really see it as ending a life it would be important enough to restrict it for others and put it ahead of other women’s health issues. I don’t, but I see why they would. :)

Women have polled 50/50 on abortion roughly forever now. I kind of bristle at the idea of all feminists having to vote for the pro-choice party because of that. If you believe life begins at conception, like truly believe that, I could see why it would trump all feminist concerns about choice.

I’m pretty sure my mother would take great offense to you kind of dipping into the same problem the article addresses by saying a feminist should vote for whoever represents the left. She can make her own decisions about what is best for women, she would say, as she adjusts her Kasich hat.

Jezebel and many sites like it often take the stance that basically an allegation of sexual assault should be taken as a guilty verdict. I love coming here and seeing all the different opinions and challenging my preconceptions, but it’s one area I find really disappointing.

The point is if we canceled all contracts based on unproven allegations then contracts would basically no longer exist. It’s a shame, and I am not saying she is lying, but I don’t think the judge had a choice here. One person’s unproven allegation can’t destroy a contract.

The problem is the story isn’t really getting mainstream attention, likely because it is a one-on-one his word versus hers thing, and both have financial reasons to say what they’re saying. Not saying she’s lying, just that the story doesn’t have the right ingredients to get the kind of mass media attention that would

I’ve seen every single episode and this was easily the craziest X-Files has ever been. I didn’t love it or hate it, it was just kind of mind-blowing. Also I had no idea “Honky Tonk Badunkadunk” was a real song and then I Youtube’d it and oh my...

Where did this idea that every death or gory moment has to have a narrative purpose come from? Maybe I grew up watching too many 80's action and horror films, but film and television often use shock or gore just for fun’s sake and I don’t know why suddenly I am seeing a lot of blogs like this one call that out as some

Great response.

It’s funny how divisive this season is and the varying reactions. I hated the premier but liked all three following to some extent, though none of them match up to the classic seasons 1-7. It all feels like fan-fiction but it’s fun.

The first seven seasons really is a totally solid run, and ends well. It was designed at the last season and you could tell. There are some good eps in the following seasons but overall my “head canon” ends at season seven.

Hard to advise since I loved both, but DoFP is definitely considered the better of the two and a great movie in general. It seems hardcore comic fans can still hate it though, for their usual reasons.

In the blu-ray commentary Singer and the other writer just say that was about Mystique rescuing mutants. It has no real cliffhanger aspect, and whether Wolverine was still experimented on will likely come up eventually, but not necessarily in the next movie.