
I like that they’re missing “comic book antics.” They’re closer to straight-up sci-fi films, which is awesome. It’s okay for the studios to treat their comic properties differently.

I mean a lot of people agree with you, so I’m not really saying you’re wrong. I guess the show just always had so much ghost style stories that I didn’t question them being combined. I DID hate in Season 8 how the ending was a total Christian allegory though.

Being anti-government doesn’t make Mulder a conservative though. A ton of college kids who are as progressive as can be are libertarian as well. Big government is kind of its own “left v. right” debate wholly separate from social progressiveness.

I mean, they are 50 years oldish. I have the same response to the artcile. Mulder isn’t some 25 year old twitter afficianado. Hell, I’m 35 and I barely keep up on internet news and trends. I just read sci-fi blogs and movie forums.

I liked the finale of his sister’s story. *shrug*

I vaguely remember seasons 8 and 9 heading into nonsense, but 1-7 (which I routinely re-watch) hold up pretty well in my opinion. Either way, episode 2 here went a lot better. :)

It’s frustrating seeing most sci-fi bloggers now-a-days treating X-Files mythology stuff like it always sucked. The mythology episodes were some of the best things the show did in the first 4 or 5 years. It’s pretty darn good all the way through season 6's “One Son,” after which it does fall apart quite a bit.

How he came to this information and opinion is unfortunately completely not shown or made sense of in the episode.

I thought it was SOOOOO terrible, and I am someone who loved the original show all the way through season eight. It had such horrid pacing, bang-bang-bang with no time to actually develop characters or places or things. Mulder turns against everything he ever believed in five seconds because some woman had her babies

I’ve learned that non-enthusiasts use “DVD” to refer to blu-rays, oddly enough.

I said headlined, didn’t say they were hits.

I agree. I am excited by this news because I expect Chibnall’s straight drama and sci-fi to be a breathe of fresh air after Moffat’s endless trying to do too much and too twisty.

I really liked his episodes 42 and Dinosaurs on a Spaceship. Very good straight-up Doctor Who. His others were more hit-and-miss, but not bad at all.

I never get the hate for Chibnall. Maybe it’s because I love his more sci-fi approach, but I like his episodes a lot. 42 is a favorite of mine and Dinosaurs on a Spaceship is excellent too.

The problem is honestly with Hollywood itself and system, sometimes sublte racism about who gets what part and who is a “marquee” star. The Oscars just often reflect that problem, rather than being the problem themselves. People just want simple answers. “Nominate more people of color!” It’s not that simple.

100% spot-on, man. You actually understood the movie, unlike half of io9's writers.

Indeed. Also the “not many liked it” thing. Citation f’in needed.

He even killed Zod in the comics, from what I read. And Marvel heroes kill people all the time. I really don’t get the outrage at all, even a little bit.

He’s a bit bigger star, yes. He has headlined films and other popular shows. Also Mulder was more the central character of the show, at least for the first half or so.

JW was dumb fun the same way Force Awakens was, IMO. Then again I am not a huge Star Wars fan, just a normal fan.