
I was talking about user review score aggregates, not money specifically. The point is those two movies are generally considered good, but if you just read the comments section here you would think they were the worst movies ever. I’m not saying anyone is lying or can’t disagree, just making a statement.

I liked Prometheus a lot and disliked Chappie and the idea of regurgitating Aleins a lot. io9 has sort of become an anti-Prometheus and anti-Man of Steel hive-mind, yet both movies made money and have solid audience ratings on the aggregates.

Yes, it feels like serialized television, which I think is a very BAD thing, but obviously a ton of people love it.

Blue tint definitely makes people look more pale, as the hordes with their TVs set to “cool” color temperature can attest.

Yeah, I read Preacher as a teen (15 damn years ago) and my response to the trailer was “what was that?” Didn’t look like Preacher to me, but who knows I guess.

I don’t think the majority see Batman Returns as bad, they just saw it as not kid-friendly enough. It’s still widely considered a great movie, as far as I know.

I would have loved for Marvel to just take the original trilogy into the MCU and cast a new, older Spider-Man for their movies. That would have been excellent. Shame it didn’t happen, and (origin story or not) we have to start all over again, again.

You say that like it’s a bad combo.

Such an amazingly bad and outright boring film. Pretty design makes up for nothing (and looks fuzzy and fake anyway).

I feel like very slowly over the last few years practical effects have been making a revival. Not obvious, but subtly becoming more important again. I was worried Jurassic World would kill that, but hopefully Star Wars is a big boost.

My wife can’t make it through either. I wish I had some trick or advice to offer, but I don’t think there is any. You can either handle the slower pace or you can’t, kind of like with classic Doctor Who.

I wish I “got” the original Solaris. I love the remake, and tried to love the original, but it just doesn’t work for me. Brilliant ending shot, but the movie leading up to that is just terminally slow (and I say that as someone who loves and praises 2001) and lacks any real human connection for me. Clooney does more

It’s funny. The divide and lack of communication or compromise that the first panel bemoans is a direct result of the type of thing the story (and this post) tend to dip into, which is painting anyone upset about illegal immigration as a “get these brown people out of my suburb!” racist.

Is there a female director you have in mind who has a creative vision that meshes well with Star Wars and blockbuster directing experience? I don’t think it’s as easy as “just hire one now.” Sadly the whole system is lacking female directing talent, and it kind of has to be improved from the ground up.

Orphan Black Spoilers!

Can’t believe they’re bringing her back again after she got as good an ending you could ever expect in Name of the Doctor. So silly.

Well said.

I collect movies and I go through them all every few months and sell 10 or so that don’t really appeal to me anymore. I try to focus on 70’s and 80’s genre films and anything sci-fi, but you’d be amazed what weird shit I end up with for reasons I don’t even remember. Why do I won Piranha? 7th Voyage of Sinbad? Day of

The effects in Escape from LA are bad, but since the movie is parody basically it works fine.

I think the intense pressure on them right now is working. Look how quick Warner and Disney are to get their female franchises off the ground all of a sudden, with female directors. A quota is never a good idea, the best person should always get the job, but the more we put diversity into their heads the more it will