
My gut instinct is that he doesn’t think anyone is qualified to take his place. He basically said as much, at one point or another.

I do agree with you, however I also don’t think there should be any kind of quota. It’s best to just push for it socially and let it evolve naturally.

The women part of this is horrible and damming, especially since films like Pitch Perfect show the female audience is there if you bother to court it, and Lucy shows men will go see a female hero movie.

Loud angry people on the internet do not really represent much. The game sold well, has lots of players and the expansion stuff sells well. It is, objectively, a popular game, right or wrong.

I’ve never read superhero comics actually. I did read Vertigo stuff in high school, mostly Sandman and Preacher, but never superhero stuff. Anyway, I think the problem for many is more that the story was written in a way to force that disaster conclusion, which is part of it being a more moody piece on the

I think that’s nit-picking to the extreme, sorry.

Obligatory Man of Steel explanation of plot: he didn’t start the fight there, and could not have moved it out of the city, because Zod’s expressed goal was to cause as much death and devastation as possible as revenge for Krypton’s final death.

Barbosa coming back is one of the reasons I dislike the sequels, similar to Agent Smith in the Matrix sequels. I really hate when movies kill a character and then bring them back for sequels because they feel like they have to. It’s super cheesy and lame to me, even if the character is good. I really hope Koba is not

Good point, I did mean slasher but wrote horror. Whoops!

I’ll check it out. I’m not necessarily defending them, the documentary makes it clear Corman wanted a rape scene in the movie to drum up controversy and viewers. It does make more sense when they explain she was asexual and afraid of sex though. Though I guess that could have been a cover-their-ass 20 years later

I don’t think horror movies are for you. They don’t pull any punches with female characters, and a lot of their messaging (especially in the 80’s) is “women who enjoy sex are bad.”

Wouldn’t call it revolting, but I do remember that scene making quite the impression on lil’ me, back in the day, for a host of reasons.

I love Cronenberg, and yeah The Fly is so gross (in a good way). My wife actually walked out and refused to finish it, somewhere toward the end.

I have Galaxy of Terror on blu-ray and the woman was supposed to be asexual and afraid of maggots and worms, so the worm rape was a dual-whammy of her fears being used against her (which is the plot of the film). I don’t think any asexual mentions made it into the movie however, but neither was her being portrayed as

I read “Nolan set the tone” and “different from Marvel” and I think HELL YEAH! People are different.

Not only does mine hate sci-fi, she also hates all 80’s movies for whatever reason, which is the stuff I grew up on and love the most (she’s 8 years younger than me). We still get by just fine. :)

Yeah pretty much. My wife hates pretty much all my favorite movies but I still love her more than life itself. You can be 100% compatible even if you don’t see eye-to-eye on genre movies.

Eh, plenty of classics are over 2 (or even 3) hours and feel well-paced. The real problem is they finalized a script and structure that was obviously too massive if they were going to insist on 2.3 hours as a hard cap. This is a common issue with comic book movies. They try to shove too much in.

The Rogue Cut is hit or miss. Nice seeing old Magneto and Xavier in action, and some added dialog is good, but there’s also a lot of stuff that was better left out.

But what if I tend to like Fox movies more than Marvel movies?