
The old masters of these films used on the 25th anniversary blu-rays looked pretty rough, and would look super rough on the big screen, so I hope this means they remastered the movies and the coming 30th anniversary discs are the new masters.

This will be the first movie to do that, apparently, and as an X-Men movie fan I have to say I hate it so far. They look super silly.

I’m just a movie fan, but I think her costume looks super dumb. Why would anyone wear that into battle? I don’t think it matches the X-Men films’ realistic style either. Maybe that’s just me.

I actually think Deadwood has a real ending and never get the complaints. Law and control have come to Deadwood via Hearst, the repercussions are felt, no one will be the same. It’s a fine wrap-up for me that addresses the show’s themes.

I’ll never understand the Avengers love and putting a lot of MCU stuff up top, but that’s just me. The rest of the list looks roughly right, though I would put X-Men Days of Future Past a lot higher.

Man, call me a jerk movie only fan but I love how realistic in look the X-Men movies are. I hope they DON’T use the comics costumes, like they never really have before. Arg.

I’m just a movie guy but the two DC trailers blew me away, they look like amazing films.

Looked fantastic to me. Warner is going for a different style than you seem to want, but I am happy for the unique take.

Looks amazing. Hopefully calms down the haters a bit.

When he said “Khan!” I was physically annoyed in the theater and my wife leaned over and whispered “does that mean something?”

Even if it were a good callback and remix (which it was NOT) they reboot still never earned the emotion there between the two characters. Just so bad.

I wish I was you, because then I would be enjoying modern movies more than I do. As it is I go see stuff like Jurassic World and it just all looks fake and cartoony to me. I wish it didn’t, I’m not trying to see it that way, but it’s just how my brain works.

Limitations of older effects did cause creativity and realistic scale. Also once CGI became commonplace most filmmakers completely switched over, rather than blending it with practical effects and only using it when CGI is the best method. Like... why are the close-up raptor heads in Jurassic World CGI? Makes no sense.

Goes both ways. Gone Home got a lot more coverage than it probably deserved because people liked it’s political message. (I did too, for the record, but it was a barely interactive storybook).

Yeah, I don’t think the flag itself is as “racist” as some are now saying, but it flying on government property is really weird. I had no idea that was even going on, and now that I know I want it to stop. Even taking race completely out of the discussion it’s still super weird, like Germany today flying the Soviet

Yeah I agree. I would personally end a lot of carry permits. Not for hunting or PI work or whatnot, but Joe Blow doesn’t need to take a gun to the mall. I’m also for super harsh penalities on those who don’t keep their guns sufficiently locked-up and protected.

There are many other countries with just as common gun ownership and nowhere near our level of violence. It’s a social issue, in a country with deep-seeded class, income, race and mental illness issues, plus a dog-eat-dog capitalism to the highest level lifestyle. It’s not as easy as “ban guns,” which is impossible

The point is you can have escapism AND good writing AND good direction AND social commentary, so why setting for just escapism without that stuff? I mean, there’s reasons to settle, don’t get me wrong. Love of franchise, enjoyment of an actor, appreciation of cheese, whatever. However we don’t need to say pure

That bugged me too, though I guess you can’t nitpick a dinosaur movie. Even in the original they hang out next to herbivores like it’s no big thing.

The director specifically said all movies were canon, and the park has been open about 10 years.